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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11714 T-18-0632 저자명 : Gannon NP, Lambalot EL, Vaughan RA. 논문명 : The effects of capsaicin and capsaicinoid analogs on metabolic molecular targets in highly energetic tissues and cell types. 2016
11713 T-18-0631 저자명 : Bortolin RC, Caregnato FF, Divan Junior AM, Zanotto-Filho A, Moresco KS, Rios Ade O, Salvi Ade O, Ortmann CF, de Carvalho P, Reginatto FH, Gelain DP, Moreira JC. 논문명 : Chronic ozone exposure alters the secondary metabolite profile, antioxidant potential, anti-inflammatory property, and quality of red pepper fruit from Capsicum baccatum. 2016
11712 T-18-0630 저자명 : Patcharatrakul T, Gonlachanvit S. 논문명 : Chili Peppers, Curcumins, and Prebiotics in Gastrointestinal Health and Disease. 2016
11711 T-18-0629 저자명 : Iraklis B, Kanda H, Nabeshima T, Onda M, Ota N, Koeda S, Hosokawa M. 논문명 : Digestion of chrysanthemum stunt viroid by leaf extracts of Capsicum chinense indicates strong RNA-digesting activity. 2016
11710 T-18-0628 저자명 : Dougnon TJ, Gbeassor M. 논문명 : Evaluation of the effects of the powder of Capsicum frutescens on glycemia in growing rabbits. 2016
11709 T-18-0627 저자명 : Deshpande J, Jeyakodi S, Juturu V. 논문명 : Tolerability of Capsaicinoids from Capsicum Extract in a Beadlet Form: A Pilot Study. 2016
11708 T-18-0626 저자명 : Liu CH, Bu XL, Wang J, Zhang T, Xiang Y, Shen LL, Wang QH, Deng B, Wang X, Zhu C, Yao XQ, Zhang M, Zhou HD, Wang YJ. 논문명 : The Associations between a Capsaicin-Rich Diet and Blood Amyloid-棺 Levels and Cognitive Function. 2016
11707 T-18-0625 저자명 : Manivannan A, Soundararajan P, Muneer S, Ko CH, Jeong BR. 논문명 : Silicon Mitigates Salinity Stress by Regulating the Physiology, Antioxidant Enzyme Activities, and Protein Expression in Capsicum annuum 'Bugwang'. 2016
11706 T-18-0624 저자명 : Sun F, Xiong S, Zhu Z. 논문명 : Dietary Capsaicin Protects Cardiometabolic Organs from Dysfunction. 2016
11705 T-18-0623 저자명 : Kim JS, Lee WM, Rhee HC, Kim S. 논문명 : Red paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) and its main carotenoids, capsanthin and 棺-carotene, prevent hydrogen peroxide-induced inhibition of gap-junction intercellular communication. 2016