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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11804 T-18-0723 저자명 : Whelan SJ, Carey W, Boland TM, Lynch MB, Kelly AK, Rajauria G, Pierce KM. 논문명 : The effect of by-product inclusion level on milk production, nutrient digestibility and excretion, and rumen fermentation parameters in lactating dairy cows offered a pasture-based diet. 2016
11803 T-18-0722 저자명 : Alexova R, Nelson CJ, Millar AH. 논문명 : Temporal development of the barley leaf metabolic response to P(i) limitation. 2016
11802 T-18-0721 저자명 : Migliorati L, Boselli L, Pirlo G, Moschini M, Masoero F. 논문명 : Corn-silage replacement with barley-silage in dairy cows' diet does not change milk quality, cheese quality and yield. 2016
11801 T-18-0720 저자명 : Srikanth S, Chen Z. 논문명 : Plant Protease Inhibitors in Therapeutics-Focus on Cancer Therapy. 2016
11800 T-18-0719 저자명 : Mirzaei M, Khorvash M, Ghorbani GR, Kazemi-Bonchenari M, Ghaffari MH. 논문명 : Growth performance, feeding behavior, and selected blood metabolites of Holstein dairy calves fed restricted amounts of milk: No interactions between sources of finely ground grain and forage provision. 2016
11799 T-18-0718 저자명 : Oss DB, Ribeiro GO Jr, Marcondes MI, Yang W, Beauchemin KA, Forster RJ, McAllister TA. 논문명 : Synergism of Cattle and Bison Inoculum on Ruminal Fermentation and Select Bacterial Communities in an Artificial Rumen (Rusitec) Fed a Barley Straw Based Diet. 2016
11798 T-18-0717 저자명 : Choi RY, Nam SJ, Ham JR, Lee HI, Yee ST, Kang KY, Seo KI, Lee JH, Kim MJ, Lee MK. 논문명 : Anti-adipogenic and anti-diabetic effects of cis-3',4'-diisovalerylkhellactone isolated from Peucedanum japonicum Thunb leaves in vitro. 2016
11797 T-18-0716 저자명 : Ruff AL, Beach S, Lehman J, Rothwell C, Dillman JF. 논문명 : Identification and validation of vesicant therapeutic targets using a high-throughput siRNA screening approach. 2016
11796 T-18-0715 저자명 : Xiaoji Z, Xiao M, Rui X, Haibo C, Chao Z, Chengjin L, Tao W, Wenjun G, Shengming Z. 논문명 : Mechanism underlying acute lung injury due to sulfur mustard exposure in rats. 2016
11795 T-18-0714 저자명 : Deppe J, Popp T, Egea V, Steinritz D, Schmidt A, Thiermann H, Weber C, Ries C. 논문명 : Impairment of hypoxia-induced HIF-1慣 signaling in keratinocytes and fibroblasts by sulfur mustard is counteracted by a selective PHD-2 inhibitor. 2016