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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11744 T-18-0663 저자명 : Khateri S, Soroush M, Mokhber N, Sedighimoghaddam M, Modirian E, Mousavi B, Mousavi SJ, Hosseini M. 논문명 : Mental health status following severe sulfur mustard exposure: a long-term study of Iranian war survivors. 2016
11743 T-18-0662 저자명 : Lacey CJ, Wohlman I, Guillon C, Saxena J, Fianu-Velgus C, Aponte E, Young SC, Heck DE, Joseph LB, Laskin JD, Heindel ND. 논문명 : Multi-inhibitor prodrug constructs for simultaneous delivery of anti-inflammatory agents to mustard-induced skin injury. 2016
11742 T-18-0661 저자명 : Mukaida K, Hattori N, Iwamoto H, Onari Y, Nishimura Y, Kondoh K, Akita T, Tanaka J, Kohno N. 논문명 : Mustard gas exposure and mortality among retired workers at a poisonous gas factory in Japan: a 57-year follow-up cohort study. 2016
11741 T-18-0659 저자명 : Sampaio-Filho H, Sotto-Ramos J, Pinto EH, Cabral MR, Longo PL, Tortamano IP, Marcos RL, Silva DF, Pavani C, Horliana AC. 논문명 : Evaluation of low-level laser at auriculotherapy points to reduce postoperative pain in inferior third molar surgery: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. 2016
11740 T-18-0658 저자명 : McElroy CS, Min E, Huang J, Loader JE, Hendry-Hofer TB, Garlick RB, Rioux JS, Veress LA, Smith R, Osborne C, Anderson DR, Holmes WW, Paradiso DC, White CW, Day BJ. 논문명 : From the Cover: Catalytic Antioxidant Rescue of Inhaled Sulfur Mustard Toxicity. 2016
11739 T-18-0657 저자명 : Darvishi B, Panahi Y, Ghanei M, Farahmand L. 논문명 : Investigating Prevalence and Pattern of Long-term Cardiovascular Disorders in Sulphur Mustard-exposed Victims and Determining Proper Biomarkers for Early Defining, Monitoring and Analysis of Patients' Feedback on Therapy. 2016
11738 T-18-0656 저자명 : Jugg BJ, Hoard-Fruchey H, Rothwell C, Dillman JF, David J, Jenner J, Sciuto AM. 논문명 : Acute Gene Expression Profile of Lung Tissue Following Sulfur Mustard Inhalation Exposure in Large Anesthetized Swine. 2016
11737 T-18-0655 저자명 : Forsha D, Risum N, Smith PB, Kanter RJ, Samad Z, Barker P, Kisslo J. 논문명 : Frequent Activation Delay-Induced Mechanical Dyssynchrony and Dysfunction in the Systemic Right Ventricle. 2016
11736 T-18-0654 저자명 : Moore JP, Mond챕sert B, Lloyd MS, Cook SC, Zaidi AN, Pass RH, John AS, Fish FA, Shannon KM, Aboulhosn JA, Khairy P; Alliance for Adult Research in Congenital Cardiology (AARCC).. 논문명 : Clinical Experience With the Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator in Adults With Congenital Heart Disease. 2016
11735 T-18-0653 저자명 : Yin J, Xie J, Guo X, Ju L, Li Y, Zhang Y. 논문명 : Plasma metabolic profiling analysis of cyclophosphamide-induced cardiotoxicity using metabolomics coupled with UPLC/Q-TOF-MS and ROC curve. 2016