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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11764 T-18-0683 저자명 : Lipczy흦ska M, Szyma흦ski P, Trojnarska O, Tomkiewicz-Paj훳k L, Pietrzak B, Klisiewicz A, Kumor M, Podolec P, Hoffman P. 논문명 : Pregnancy in women with complete transposition of the great arteries following the atrial switch procedure. A study from three of the largest Adult Congenital Heart Disease centers in Poland. 2016
11763 T-18-0682 저자명 : [No authors listed] 논문명 : McFarland W, Granville NB, Dameshek W. Autologous bone marrow infusion as an adjunct in therapy of malignant disease. Blood. 1959;14(5):503-521. 2016
11762 T-18-0681 저자명 : Tahmasbpour E, Ghanei M, Qazvini A, Vahedi E, Panahi Y. 논문명 : Gene expression profile of oxidative stress and antioxidant defense in lung tissue of patients exposed to sulfur mustard. 2016
11761 T-18-0680 저자명 : Kimura D, Briceno-Medina M, Kumar TK, Knott-Craig CJ. 논문명 : Severe Pulmonary Vascular Obstructive Disease After Neonatal Arterial Switch Operation for Simple Transposition of the Great Arteries. 2016
11760 T-18-0679 저자명 : Wohlman IM, Composto GM, Heck DE, Heindel ND, Lacey CJ, Guillon CD, Casillas RP, Croutch CR, Gerecke DR, Laskin DL, Joseph LB, Laskin JD. 논문명 : Mustard vesicants alter expression of the endocannabinoid system in mouse skin. 2016
11759 T-18-0678 저자명 : Karmakar S, Chatterjee S, Purkait K, Mukherjee A. 논문명 : Anticancer activity of a chelating nitrogen mustard bearing tetrachloridoplatinum(iv) complex: better stability yet equipotent to the Pt(ii) analogue. 2016
11758 T-18-0677 저자명 : Tahmasbpour Marzony E, Ghanei M, Panahi Y. 논문명 : Oxidative stress and altered expression of peroxiredoxin genes family (PRDXS) and sulfiredoxin-1 (SRXN1) in human lung tissue following exposure to sulfur mustard. 2016
11757 T-18-0676 저자명 : Razavi SM, Abdollahi M, Salamati P. 논문명 : Cancer Events After Acute or Chronic Exposure to Sulfur Mustard: A Review of the Literature. 2016
11756 T-18-0675 저자명 : Tahmasbpour Marzony E, Nejad-Moghadam A, Ghanei M, Panahi Y. 논문명 : Sulfur mustard causes oxidants/antioxidants imbalance through the overexpression of free radical producing-related genes in human mustard lungs. 2016
11755 T-18-0674 저자명 : Hynkova A, Marsakova L, Vaskova J, Vlachova V. 논문명 : N-terminal tetrapeptide T/SPLH motifs contribute to multimodal activation of human TRPA1 channel. 2016