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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11784 T-18-0703 저자명 : Chen L, Wang W, Tan T, Han H, Dong Z. 논문명 : GABA(A) Receptors in the Central Nucleus of the Amygdala Are Involved in Pain- and Itch-Related Responses. 2016
11783 T-18-0702 저자명 : Sauvaigo S, Sarrazy F, Batal M, Caillat S, Pitiot B, Mouret S, Cl챕ry-Barraud C, Boudry I, Douki T. 논문명 : Impact of topical application of sulfur mustard on mice skin and distant organs DNA repair enzyme signature. 2016
11782 T-18-0701 저자명 : Goswami DG, Tewari-Singh N, Dhar D, Kumar D, Agarwal C, Ammar DA, Kant R, Enzenauer RW, Petrash JM, Agarwal R. 논문명 : Nitrogen Mustard-Induced Corneal Injury Involves DNA Damage and Pathways Related to Inflammation, Epithelial-Stromal Separation, and Neovascularization. 2016
11781 T-18-0700 저자명 : Awasthi S, Saraswathi NT. 논문명 : Sinigrin, a major glucosinolate from cruciferous vegetables restrains non-enzymatic glycation of albumin. 2016
11780 T-18-0699 저자명 : Woyengo TA, Jha R, Beltranena E, Zijlstra RT. 논문명 : In vitro digestion and fermentation characteristics of canola co-products simulate their digestion in the pig intestine. 2016
11779 T-18-0698 저자명 : Nobakht M Gh BF, Oskouie AA, Aliannejad R, Rezaei-Tavirani M, Tavallaie S, Baghban AA, Taheri S, Keramati MR, Alamdari DH. 논문명 : Pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance in Iranian veterans with sulfur mustard toxicity and different levels of pulmonary disorders. 2016
11778 T-18-0697 저자명 : van der Palen RL, Westenberg JJ, Hazekamp MG, Kuipers IM, Roest AA. 논문명 : Four-dimensional flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance for the evaluation of the atrial baffle after Mustard repair. 2016
11777 T-18-0696 저자명 : Groehler A 4th, Villalta PW, Campbell C, Tretyakova N. 논문명 : Covalent DNA-Protein Cross-Linking by Phosphoramide Mustard and Nornitrogen Mustard in Human Cells. 2016
11776 T-18-0695 저자명 : Li M, Li S, Chen H, Hu R, Liu L, Lv F, Wang S. 논문명 : Preparation of Conjugated Polymer Grafted with H2O2-Sensitive Prodrug for Cell Imaging and Tumor Cell Killing. 2016
11775 T-18-0694 저자명 : Yang Y, Li C, Fu Y, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Zhou P, Yuan Y, Zhou S, Li S, Li C. 논문명 : Redox cycling of a copper complex with benzaldehyde nitrogen mustard-2-pyridine carboxylic acid hydrazone contributes to its enhanced antitumor activity, but no change in the mechanism of action occurs after chelation. 2016