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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11774 T-18-0693 저자명 : Singh V, Singh PK, Siddiqui A, Singh S, Banday ZZ, Nandi AK. 논문명 : Over-expression of Arabidopsis thaliana SFD1/GLY1, the gene encoding plastid localized glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, increases plastidic lipid content in transgenic rice plants. 2016
11773 T-18-0692 저자명 : Liapis V, Zinonos I, Labrinidis A, Hay S, Ponomarev V, Panagopoulos V, Zysk A, DeNichilo M, Ingman W, Atkins GJ, Findlay DM, Zannettino AC, Evdokiou A. 논문명 : Anticancer efficacy of the hypoxia-activated prodrug evofosfamide (TH-302) in osteolytic breast cancer murine models. 2016
11772 T-18-0691 저자명 : Harris J. 논문명 : Involvement of spinal 慣2 -adrenoceptors in prolonged modulation of hind limb withdrawal reflexes following acute noxious stimulation in the anaesthetized rabbit. 2016
11771 T-18-0690 저자명 : Karmakar S, Purkait K, Chatterjee S, Mukherjee A. 논문명 : Anticancer activity of a cis-dichloridoplatinum(ii) complex of a chelating nitrogen mustard: insight into unusual guanine binding mode and low deactivation by glutathione. 2016
11770 T-18-0689 저자명 : Imani S, Salimian J, Bozorgmehr M, Vahedi E, Ghazvini A, Ghanei M, Panahi Y. 논문명 : Assessment of Treg/Th17 axis role in immunopathogenesis of chronic injuries of mustard lung disease. 2016
11769 T-18-0688 저자명 : Nozadze I, Tsiklauri N, Gurtskaia G, Tsagareli MG. 논문명 : NSAIDs attenuate hyperalgesia induced by TRP channel activation. 2016
11768 T-18-0687 저자명 : Erzinger MM, Bovet C, Hecht KM, Senger S, Winiker P, Sobotzki N, Cristea S, Beerenwinkel N, Shay JW, Marra G, Wollscheid B, Sturla SJ. 논문명 : Sulforaphane Preconditioning Sensitizes Human Colon Cancer Cells towards the Bioreductive Anticancer Prodrug PR-104A. 2016
11767 T-18-0686 저자명 : Yusuf M, Khan TA, Fariduddin Q. 논문명 : Interaction of epibrassinolide and selenium ameliorates the excess copper in Brassica juncea through altered proline metabolism and antioxidants. 2016
11766 T-18-0685 저자명 : Pandey C, Khan E, Panthri M, Tripathi RD, Gupta M. 논문명 : Impact of silicon on Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) root traits by regulating growth parameters, cellular antioxidants and stress modulators under arsenic stress. 2016
11765 T-18-0684 저자명 : Gretscher RR, Streicher PE, Strau횩 AS, Wielsch N, Stock M, Wang D, Boland W, Burse A. 논문명 : A common theme in extracellular fluids of beetles: extracellular superoxide dismutases crucial for balancing ROS in response to microbial challenge. 2016