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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11754 T-18-0673 저자명 : Kistner K, Siklosi N, Babes A, Khalil M, Selescu T, Zimmermann K, Wirtz S, Becker C, Neurath MF, Reeh PW, Engel MA. 논문명 : Systemic desensitization through TRPA1 channels by capsazepine and mustard oil - a novel strategy against inflammation and pain. 2016
11753 T-18-0672 저자명 : Joseph LB, Composto GM, Heck DE. 논문명 : Tissue injury and repair following cutaneous exposure of mice to sulfur mustard. 2016
11752 T-18-0671 저자명 : White CW, Rancourt RC, Veress LA. 논문명 : Sulfur mustard inhalation: mechanisms of injury, alteration of coagulation, and fibrinolytic therapy. 2016
11751 T-18-0670 저자명 : Duah EK, Mohapatra SK, Sood TJ, Sandhu A, Singla SK, Chauhan MS, Manik RS, Palta P. 논문명 : Production of hand-made cloned buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) embryos from non-viable somatic cells. 2016
11750 T-18-0669 저자명 : Koz흢owska M, Gruczy흦ska E, 힃cibisz I, Rudzi흦ska M. 논문명 : Fatty acids and sterols composition, and antioxidant activity of oils extracted from plant seeds. 2016
11749 T-18-0668 저자명 : Sarwat M, Hashem A, Ahanger MA, Abd Allah EF, Alqarawi AA, Alyemeni MN, Ahmad P, Gucel S. 논문명 : Mitigation of NaCl Stress by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi through the Modulation of Osmolytes, Antioxidants and Secondary Metabolites in Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) Plants. 2016
11748 T-18-0667 저자명 : Hallford P, Clair DS, Halley L, Mustard C, Wei J. 논문명 : A study of type-1 diabetes associated autoantibodies in schizophrenia. 2016
11747 T-18-0666 저자명 : John H, Willoh S, H철rmann P, Siegert M, Vondran A, Thiermann H. 논문명 : Procedures for Analysis of Dried Plasma Using Microsampling Devices to Detect Sulfur Mustard-Albumin Adducts for Verification of Poisoning. 2016
11746 T-18-0665 저자명 : Nejad-Moghaddam A, Ajdary S, Tahmasbpour E, Rad FR, Panahi Y, Ghanei M. 논문명 : Immunomodulatory Properties of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Can Mitigate Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Process in Human Mustard Lung. 2016
11745 T-18-0664 저자명 : Nourani MR, Mahmoodzadeh Hosseini H, Azimzadeh Jamalkandi S, Imani Fooladi AA. 논문명 : Cellular and molecular mechanisms of acute exposure to sulfur mustard: a systematic review. 2016