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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11824 T-18-0743 저자명 : Kalliokoski S, Piqueras VO, Fr??as R, Sulic AM, M????tt?? JA, K??hk??nen N, Viiri K, Huhtala H, Pasternack A, Laurila K, Sblattero D, Korponay-Szab?? IR, M??ki M, Caja S, Kaukinen K, Lindfors K. 논문명 : Transglutaminase 2-specific coeliac disease autoantibodies induce morphological changes and signs of inflammation in the small-bowel mucosa of mice. 2016
11823 T-18-0742 저자명 : Luciano G, Roscini V, Mattioli S, Ruggeri S, Gravador RS, Natalello A, Lanza M, De Angelis A, Priolo A. 논문명 : Vitamin E is the major contributor to the antioxidant capacity in lambs fed whole dried citrus pulp. 2016
11822 T-18-0741 저자명 : Cesari S, Moore J, Chen C, Webb D, Periyannan S, Mago R, Bernoux M, Lagudah ES, Dodds PN. 논문명 : Cytosolic activation of cell death and stem rust resistance by cereal MLA-family CC-NLR proteins. 2016
11821 T-18-0740 저자명 : Anderson RC, Ripley LH, Bowman JG, Callaway TR, Genovese KJ, Beier RC, Harvey RB, Nisbet DJ. 논문명 : Ruminal Fermentation of Anti-Methanogenic Nitrate- and Nitro-Containing Forages In Vitro. 2016
11820 T-18-0739 저자명 : Wahab WA, ??uligoj T, Ellis J, C??rtez-Real B, Ciclitira PJ. 논문명 : Coeliac disease: immunogenicity studies of barley hordein and rye secalin-derived peptides. 2016
11819 T-18-0738 저자명 : Barley E, Lawson V. 논문명 : Using health psychology to help patients: common mental health disorders and psychological distress. 2016
11818 T-18-0737 저자명 : Shoeva OY, Mock HP, Kukoeva TV, B??rner A, Khlestkina EK. 논문명 : Regulation of the Flavonoid Biosynthesis Pathway Genes in Purple and Black Grains of Hordeum vulgare. 2016
11817 T-18-0736 저자명 : Mark C, Z??r K, Heiskanen A, Dufva M, Emn??us J, Finnie C. 논문명 : Monitoring intra- and extracellular redox capacity of intact barley aleurone layers responding to phytohormones. 2016
11816 T-18-0735 저자명 : Shabala L, Zhang J, Pottosin I, Bose J, Zhu M, Fuglsang AT, Velarde-Buendia A, Massart A, Hill CB, Roessner U, Bacic A, Wu H, Azzarello E, Pandolfi C, Zhou M, Poschenrieder C, Mancuso S, Shabala S. 논문명 : Cell-Type-Specific H+-ATPase Activity in Root Tissues Enables K+ Retention and Mediates Acclimation of Barley (Hordeum vulgare) to Salinity Stress. 2016
11815 T-18-0734 저자명 : Zhang J, Xiao X, Dong Y, Xu T, Wu F. 논문명 : Dietary supplementation with Lactobacillus plantarum dy-1 fermented barley suppresses body weight gain in high-fat diet-induced obese rats. 2016