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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11834 T-18-0755 저자명 : Patoux S, Istasse L. 논문명 : Incorporation of sunflower oil or linseed oil in equine compound feedstuff: 1 Effects on haematology and on fatty acids profiles in the red blood cells membranes. 2016
11833 T-18-0754 저자명 : Tylee A, Barley EA, Walters P, Achilla E, Borschmann R, Leese M, McCrone P, Palacios J, Smith A, Simmonds R, Rose D, Murray J, van Marwijk H, Williams P, Mann A.; on behalf of the UPBEAT-UK team. 논문명 : UPBEAT-UK: a programme of research into the relationship between coronary heart disease and depression in primary care patients. 2016
11832 T-18-0753 저자명 : Belobrajdic DP, Hino S, Kondo T, Jobling SA, Morell MK, Topping DL, Morita T, Bird AR. 논문명 : High wholegrain barley ??-glucan lowers food intake but does not alter small intestinal macronutrient digestibility in ileorectostomised rats. 2016
11831 T-18-0750 저자명 : Triantafillidis JK, Triantafyllidi A, Vagianos C, Papalois A. 논문명 : Favorable results from the use of herbal and plant products in inflammatory bowel disease: evidence from experimental animal studies. 2016
11830 T-18-0749 저자명 : Little MW, O'Connell NE, Welsh MD, Barley J, Meade KG, Ferris CP. 논문명 : Prepartum concentrate supplementation of a diet based on medium-quality grass silage: Effects on performance, health, fertility, metabolic function, and immune function of low body condition score cows. 2016
11829 T-18-0748 저자명 : Schwarz C, Ebner KM, Furtner F, Duller S, Wetscherek W, Wernert W, Kandler W, Schedle K. 논문명 : Influence of high inorganic selenium and manganese diets for fattening pigs on oxidative stability and pork quality parameters. 2016
11828 T-18-0747 저자명 : Lee YH, Kim JH, Kim SH, Oh JY, Seo WD, Kim KM, Jung JC, Jung YS. 논문명 : Barley Sprouts Extract Attenuates Alcoholic Fatty Liver Injury in Mice by Reducing Inflammatory Response. 2016
11827 T-18-0746 저자명 : Wang Y, McAllister TA, Lora JH. 논문명 : Effects of purified lignin on in vitro rumen metabolism and growth performance of feedlot cattle. 2016
11826 T-18-0745 저자명 : Tan ET, Al Jassim R, Cawdell-Smith AJ, Ossedryver SM, D'Arcy BR, Fletcher MT. 논문명 : Accumulation, Persistence, and Effects of Indospicine Residues in Camels Fed Indigofera Plant. 2016
11825 T-18-0744 저자명 : Ve??e??ov?? K, Ve??e??a Z, Do??ekal B, Oravec M, Pompeiano A, T????ska J, Urban O. 논문명 : Changes of primary and secondary metabolites in barley plants exposed to CdO nanoparticles. 2016