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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11894 T-18-0816 저자명 : Lizier M, Anselmo A, Mantero S, Ficara F, Paulis M, Vezzoni P, Lucchini F, Pacchiana G. 논문명 : Fusion between cancer cells and macrophages occurs in a murine model of spontaneous neu+ breast cancer without increasing its metastatic potential. 2016
11893 T-18-0815 저자명 : Borniger JC, Teplitsky S, Gnyawali S, Nelson RJ, Rink C. 논문명 : Photoperiodic Regulation of Cerebral Blood Flow in White-Footed Mice (Peromyscus leucopus). 2016
11892 T-18-0814 저자명 : Kumar V PhD, Sharma SK MPharm, Nagarajan K PhD, Dixit PK MPharm. 논문명 : Effects of Lycopene and Sodium Valproate on Pentylenetetrazol-Induced Kindling in Mice. 2016
11891 T-18-0813 저자명 : Miltonprabu S, Tomczyk M, Skalicka-Wo??niak K, Rastrelli L, Daglia M, Nabavi SF, Alavian SM, Nabavi SM. 논문명 : Hepatoprotective effect of quercetin: From chemistry to medicine. 2016
11890 T-18-0812 저자명 : Petruk G, Raiola A, Del Giudice R, Barone A, Frusciante L, Rigano MM, Monti DM. 논문명 : An ascorbic acid-enriched tomato genotype to fight UVA-induced oxidative stress in normal human keratinocytes. 2016
11889 T-18-0811 저자명 : Thies F, Mills LM, Moir S, Masson LF. 논문명 : Cardiovascular benefits of lycopene: fantasy or reality? 2016
11888 T-18-0810 저자명 : Grether-Beck S, Marini A, Jaenicke T, Stahl W, Krutmann J. 논문명 : Molecular evidence that oral supplementation with lycopene or lutein protects human skin against ultraviolet radiation: Results from a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, cross-over study. 2016
11887 T-18-0809 저자명 : Sha R, Meng Q. 논문명 : Antifungal activity of rhamnolipids against dimorphic fungi. 2016
11886 T-18-0808 저자명 : Deplanque X, Muscente-Paque D, Chappuis E. 논문명 : Proprietary tomato extract improves metabolic response to high-fat meal in healthy normal weight subjects. 2016
11885 T-18-0807 저자명 : Bhattacharjee L, Singh D, Gautam JK, Nandi AK. 논문명 : Arabidopsis thaliana serpins AtSRP4 and AtSRP5 negatively regulate stress-induced cell death and effector-triggered immunity induced by bacterial effector AvrRpt2. 2016