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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11854 T-18-0775 저자명 : Rico DE, Chouinard PY, Hassanat F, Benchaar C, Gervais R. 논문명 : Prediction of enteric methane emissions from Holstein dairy cows fed various forage sources. 2016
11853 T-18-0774 저자명 : Shen Y, Zhang H, Cheng L, Wang L, Qian H, Qi X. 논문명 : In vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity of polyphenols extracted from black highland barley. 2016
11852 T-18-0773 저자명 : Neijat M, Suh M, Neufeld J, House JD. 논문명 : Hempseed Products Fed to Hens Effectively Increased n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Total Lipids, Triacylglycerol and Phospholipid of Egg Yolk. 2016
11851 T-18-0772 저자명 : Wang F, Wang X, Zhao C, Wang J, Li P, Dou Y, Bi Y. 논문명 : Alternative pathway is involved in the tolerance of highland barley to the low-nitrogen stress by maintaining the cellular redox homeostasis. 2016
11850 T-18-0771 저자명 : Dubey M, Jensen DF, Karlsson M. 논문명 : The ABC transporter ABCG29 is involved in H2O2 tolerance and biocontrol traits in the fungus Clonostachys rosea. 2016
11849 T-18-0770 저자명 : Nagasawa K, Wang B, Nishiya K, Ushijima K, Zhu Q, Fukushima M, Ichijo T. 논문명 : Effects of humic acids derived from lignite and cattle manure on antioxidant enzymatic activities of barley root. 2016
11848 T-18-0769 저자명 : Santos-Silva J, Dentinho MT, Francisco A, Portugal AP, Belo AT, Martins AP, Alves SP, Bessa RJ. 논문명 : Replacing cereals with dehydrated citrus pulp in a soybean oil supplemented diet increases vaccenic and rumenic acids in ewe milk. 2016
11847 T-18-0768 저자명 : Hern??ndez F, Orengo J, Villodre C, Mart??nez S, L??pez MJ, Madrid J. 논문명 : Addition of crude glycerin to pig diets: sow and litter performance, and metabolic and feed intake regulating hormones. 2016
11846 T-18-0767 저자명 : Moen B, Berget I, Rud I, Hole AS, Kjos NP, Sahlstr??m S. 논문명 : Extrusion of barley and oat influence the fecal microbiota and SCFA profile of growing pigs. 2016
11845 T-18-0766 저자명 : He LX, Zhao J, Huang YS, Li Y. 논문명 : The difference between oats and beta-glucan extract intake in the management of HbA1c, fasting glucose and insulin sensitivity: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. 2016