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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11874 T-18-0795 저자명 : Ding Y, Zhao J, Nie Y, Fan B, Wu S, Zhang Y, Sheng J, Shen L, Zhao R, Tang X. 논문명 : Salicylic-Acid-Induced Chilling- and Oxidative-Stress Tolerance in Relation to Gibberellin Homeostasis, C-Repeat/Dehydration-Responsive Element Binding Factor Pathway, and Antioxidant Enzyme Systems in Cold-Stored Tomato Fruit. 2016
11873 T-18-0794 저자명 : Zou P. 논문명 : Traditional Chinese Medicine, Food Therapy, and Hypertension Control: A Narrative Review of Chinese Literature. 2016
11872 T-18-0793 저자명 : Favero G, Franceschetti L, Buffoli B, Moghadasian MH, Reiter RJ, Rodella LF, Rezzani R. 논문명 : Melatonin: Protection against age-related cardiac pathology. 2016
11871 T-18-0792 저자명 : Cheung JL, Wand NV, Ooi CP, Ridewood S, Wheeler RJ, Rudenko G. 논문명 : Blocking Synthesis of the Variant Surface Glycoprotein Coat in Trypanosoma brucei Leads to an Increase in Macrophage Phagocytosis Due to Reduced Clearance of Surface Coat Antibodies. 2016
11870 T-18-0791 저자명 : Roy S, Nandi AK. 논문명 : Arabidopsis thaliana methionine sulfoxide reductase B8 influences stress-induced cell death and effector-triggered immunity. 2016
11869 T-18-0790 저자명 : Meng XM, Wang S, Huang XR, Yang C, Xiao J, Zhang Y, To KF, Nikolic-Paterson DJ, Lan HY. 논문명 : Inflammatory macrophages can transdifferentiate into myofibroblasts during renal fibrosis. 2016
11868 T-18-0789 저자명 : Zidani S, Benakmoum A, Ammouche A, Benali Y, Bouhadef A, Abbeddou S. 논문명 : Effect of dry tomato peel supplementation on glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and hepatic markers in mice fed high-saturated-fat/high-cholesterol diets. 2016
11867 T-18-0788 저자명 : Vagner T, Dvorzhak A, W??jtowicz AM, Harms C, Grantyn R. 논문명 : Systemic application of AAV vectors targeting GFAP-expressing astrocytes in Z-Q175-KI Huntington's disease mice. 2016
11866 T-18-0787 저자명 : Manohar M, Choi HW, Manosalva PM, Austin C, Peters J, Klessig D. 논문명 : Plant and human MORC proteins have DNA modifying activities similar to type II topoisomerases, but require additional factor(s) for full activity. 2016
11865 T-18-0786 저자명 : Yang DY, Ma NN, Zhuang KY, Zhu SB, Liu ZM, Yang XH. 논문명 : Overexpression of tomato SlGGP-LIKE gene improves tobacco tolerance to methyl viologen-mediated oxidative stress. 2016