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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11864 T-18-0785 저자명 : Wang YQ, Zhang XF, Li N, Liu X. 논문명 : Comparison of cellular responses to Xanthomonas perforans infection between resistant and susceptible tomato accessions. 2016
11863 T-18-0784 저자명 : Deckardt K, Metzler-Zebeli BU, Zebeli Q. 논문명 : Processing barley grain with lactic acid and tannic acid ameliorates rumen microbial fermentation and degradation of dietary fibre in vitro. 2016
11862 T-18-0783 저자명 : Castillo C, Mantec??n AR, Sotillo J, Guti??rrez C, Abuelo A, Hern??ndez J. 논문명 : Posidonia oceanica banquettes as a substitute for straw in dairy goat rations: metabolic and productive effects. 2016
11861 T-18-0782 저자명 : Shahmoradi A, Alikhani M, Riasi A, Ghorbani GR, Ghaffari MH. 논문명 : Effects of partial replacement of barley grain with beet pulp on performance, ruminal fermentation and plasma concentration of metabolites in transition dairy cows. 2016
11860 T-18-0781 저자명 : de Greeff A, Bikker P, Smit-Heinsbroek A, Bruininx E, Zwolschen H, Fijten H, Zetteler P, Vastenhouw S, Smits M, Rebel J. 논문명 : Increased fat and polyunsaturated fatty acid content in sow gestation diet has no effect on gene expression in progeny during the first 7??days of life. 2016
11859 T-18-0780 저자명 : Chaari F, Belghith-Fendri L, Zaouri-Ellouzi S, Driss D, Blibech M, Kallel F, Bouaziz F, Mehdi Y, Ellouz-Chaabouni S, Ghorbel R. 논문명 : Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of mixed linkage beta-oligosaccharides from extracted ??-glucan hydrolysed by Penicillium occitanis EGL lichenase. 2016
11858 T-18-0779 저자명 : Pandey B, Sharma P, Tyagi C, Goyal S, Grover A, Sharma I. 논문명 : Structural modeling and molecular simulation analysis of HvAP2/EREBP from barley. 2016
11857 T-18-0778 저자명 : Gray BJ, Page R, Turner D, West DJ, Campbell MD, Kilduff LP, Stephens JW, Bain SC, Bracken RM. 논문명 : Improved end-stage high-intensity performance but similar glycemic responses after waxy barley starch ingestion compared to dextrose in type 1 diabetes. 2016
11856 T-18-0777 저자명 : Lee SH, Jang GY, Kim MY, Hwang IG, Kim HY, Woo KS, Lee MJ, Kim TJ, Lee J, Jeong HS. 논문명 : Physicochemical and in vitro binding properties of barley ??-glucan treated with hydrogen peroxide. 2016
11855 T-18-0776 저자명 : Tovar J, Johansson M, Bj??rck I. 논문명 : A multifunctional diet improves cardiometabolic-related biomarkers independently of weight changes: an 8-week randomized controlled intervention in healthy overweight and obese subjects. 2016