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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12014 T-18-0939 저자명 : Syed DN, Adhami VM, Khan N, Khan MI, Mukhtar H. 논문명 : Exploring the molecular targets of dietary flavonoid fisetin in cancer. 2016
12013 T-18-0938 저자명 : Zhao YR, Li X, Yu KQ, Cheng F, He Y. 논문명 : Hyperspectral Imaging for Determining Pigment Contents in Cucumber Leaves in Response to Angular Leaf Spot Disease. 2016
12012 T-18-0937 저자명 : Heidari H, Kamalinejad M, Noubarani M, Rahmati M, Jafarian I, Adiban H, Eskandari MR. 논문명 : Protective mechanisms of Cucumis sativus in diabetes-related modelsof oxidative stress and carbonyl stress. 2016
12011 T-18-0936 저자명 : Yang T, Liu J, Yang M, Huang N, Zhong Y, Zeng T, Wei R, Wu Z, Xiao C, Cao X, Li M, Li L, Han B, Yu X, Li H, Zou Q. 논문명 : Cucurbitacin B exerts anti-cancer activities in human multiple myeloma cells in vitro and in vivo by modulating multiple cellular pathways. 2016
12010 T-18-0935 저자명 : Sarhadynejad Z, Sharififar F, Pardakhty A, Nematollahi MH, Sattaie-Mokhtari S, Mandegary A. 논문명 : Pharmacological safety evaluation of a traditional herbal medicine 2016
12009 T-18-0934 저자명 : Ibrahim DS. 논문명 : Neuroprotective effect of Cucumis melo Var. flexuosus leaf extract on the brains of rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. 2016
12008 T-18-0933 저자명 : Zhou MM, Xue Y, Sun SH, Wen M, Li ZJ, Xu J, Wang JF, Yanagita T, Wang YM, Xue CH. 논문명 : Effects of different fatty acids composition of phosphatidylcholine on brain function of dementia mice induced by scopolamine. 2016
12007 T-18-0932 저자명 : Duan J, Ishida M, Aida K, Tsuduki T, Zhang J, Manabe Y, Hirata T, Sugawara T. 논문명 : Dietary Cerebroside from Sea Cucumber (Stichopus japonicus): Absorption and Effects on Skin Barrier and Cecal Short-Chain Fatty Acids. 2016
12006 T-18-0931 저자명 : Hsieh EJ, Waters BM. 논문명 : Alkaline stress and iron deficiency regulate iron uptake and riboflavin synthesis gene expression differently in root and leaf tissue: implications for iron deficiency chlorosis. 2016
12005 T-18-0930 저자명 : Sadegh Vishkaei M, Ebrahimpour A, Abdul-Hamid A, Ismail A, Saari N. 논문명 : Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitory and Anti-Hypertensive Effect of Protein Hydrolysate from Actinopyga lecanora (Sea Cucumber) in Rats. 2016