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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12084 T-18-1013 저자명 : Chen L, Liu L, Li C, Hu C, Su F, Liu R, Zeng M, Zhao D, Liu J, Guo Y, Long J. 논문명 : Apple pomace polysaccharides improves mitochondrial function and reduces oxidative stress in the liver of high-fat diet-induced obese mice. 2016
12083 T-18-1012 저자명 : Lee J, Shin MS, Kim MO, Jang S, Oh SW, Kang M, Jung K, Park YS, Lee J. 논문명 : Apple ethanol extract promotes proliferation of human adult stem cells, which involves the regenerative potential of stem cells. 2016
12082 T-18-1011 저자명 : Yang S, Liu Q, Wang Y, Zhao LL, Wang Y, Yang SY, Du ZJ, Zhang JE. 논문명 : Effects of dietary supplementation of golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) egg on survival, pigmentation and antioxidant activity of Blood parrot. 2016
12081 T-18-1010 저자명 : Ma P, Yao L, Lin X, Gu T, Rong X, Batey R, Yamahara J, Wang J, Li Y. 논문명 : A mixture of apple pomace and rosemary extract improves fructose consumption-induced insulin resistance in rats: modulation of sarcolemmal CD36 and glucose transporter-4. 2016
12080 T-18-1009 저자명 : Wang Y, Yuan Y, Liu B, Zhang Z, Yue T. 논문명 : Biocontrol activity and patulin-removal effects of Bacillus subtilis, Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Agrobacterium tumefaciens against Penicillium expansum. 2016
12079 T-18-1008 저자명 : Yang S, Liu Q, Wang Y, Zhao LL, Wang Y, Yang SY, Du ZJ, Zhang JE. 논문명 : Erratum to: Effects of dietary supplementation of golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) egg on survival, pigmentation and antioxidant activity of Blood parrot. 2016
12078 T-18-1007 저자명 : Samout N, Bouzenna H, Dhibi S, Ncib S, ElFeki A, Hfaiedh N. 논문명 : Therapeutic effect of apple pectin in obese rats. 2016
12077 T-18-1006 저자명 : Sanchez-Aguadero N, Garcia-Ortiz L, Patino-Alonso MC, Mora-Simon S, Gomez-Marcos MA, Alonso-Dominguez R, Sanchez-Salgado B, Recio-Rodriguez JI. 논문명 : Postprandial effect of breakfast glycaemic index on vascular function, glycaemic control and cognitive performance (BGI study): study protocol for a randomised crossover trial. 2016
12076 T-18-1005 저자명 : Ogura K, Ogura M, Shoji T, Sato Y, Tahara Y, Yamano G, Sato H, Sugizaki K, Fujita N, Tatsuoka H, Usui R, Mukai E, Fujimoto S, Inagaki N, Nagashima K. 논문명 : Oral Administration of Apple Procyanidins Ameliorates Insulin Resistance via Suppression of Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine Expression in Liver of Diabetic ob/ob Mice. 2016
12075 T-18-1004 저자명 : Denis MC, Roy D, Yeganeh PR, Desjardins Y, Varin T, Haddad N, Amre D, San챕 AT, Garofalo C, Furtos A, Patey N, Delvin E, Tremblay E, Marette A, Beaulieu JF, Levy E. 논문명 : Apple peel polyphenols: a key player in the prevention and treatment of experimental inflammatory bowel disease. 2016