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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12064 T-18-0990 저자명 : Zhou F, Liu Q, Zhang H, Chen Q, Kong B. 논문명 : Potato starch oxidation induced by sodium hypochlorite and its effect on functional properties and digestibility. 2016
12063 T-18-0989 저자명 : Kabir SR, Rahman MM, Amin R, Karim MR, Mahmud ZH, Hossain MT. 논문명 : Solanum tuberosum lectin inhibits Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells growth by inducing apoptosis and G2/M cell cycle arrest. 2016
12062 T-18-0988 저자명 : Liu B, Zhang G, Murphy A, De Koeyer D, Tai H, Bizimungu B, Si H, Li XQ. 논문명 : Differences between the Bud End and Stem End of Potatoes in Dry Matter Content, Starch Granule Size, and Carbohydrate Metabolic Gene Expression at the Growing and Sprouting Stages. 2016
12061 T-18-0987 저자명 : Geach T. 논문명 : Diabetes: Increased potato consumption linked to GDM. 2016
12060 T-18-0986 저자명 : Furrer AN, Chegeni M, Ferruzzi MG. 논문명 : Impact of Potato Processing on Nutrients, Phytochemicals and Human Health. 2016
12059 T-18-0985 저자명 : Kou S, Han B, Wang Y, Huang T, He K, Han Y, Zhou X, Ye X, Li X. 논문명 : Synergetic cholesterol-lowering effects of main alkaloids from Rhizoma Coptidis in HepG2 cells and hypercholesterolemia hamsters. 2016
12058 T-18-0984 저자명 : Weatherburn CJ. 논문명 : Complex lifestyle differences make study on potato consumption and risk of gestational diabetes difficult to interpret. 2016
12057 T-18-0983 저자명 : Mullie P, Boniol M, Autier P. 논문명 : Study on potato consumption will increase confusion regarding food and the risk of gestational diabetes. 2016
12056 T-18-0982 저자명 : Jeddou KB, Chaari F, Maktouf S, Nouri-Ellouz O, Helbert CB, Ghorbel RE. 논문명 : Structural, functional, and antioxidant properties of water-soluble polysaccharides from potatoes peels. 2016
12055 T-18-0981 저자명 : Pepe A, Frey ME, Mu챰oz F, Fern찼ndez MB, Pedraza A, Galb찼n G, Garc챠a DN, Daleo GR, Guevara MG. 논문명 : Fibrin(ogen)olytic and antiplatelet activities of a subtilisin-like protease from Solanum tuberosum (StSBTc-3). 2016