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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12074 T-18-1003 저자명 : Zhong S, Zhao L, Wang Y, Zhang C, Liu J, Wang P, Zhou W, Yang P, Varghese Z, Moorhead JF, Chen Y, Ruan XZ. 논문명 : CD36 deficiency aggravates macrophage infiltration and hepatic inflammation by up-regulating MCP-1 expression of hepatocytes through HDAC2-dependant pathway. 2016
12073 T-18-0999 저자명 : Pieszka M, Szczurek P, Bederska-흟ojewska D, Migda흢 W, Pieszka M, Gogol P, Jagusiak W. 논문명 : The effect of dietary supplementation with dried fruit and vegetable pomaces on production parameters and meat quality in fattening pigs. 2016
12072 T-18-0998 저자명 : Ansari P, Afroz N, Jalil S, Azad SB, Mustakim MG, Anwar S, Haque SM, Hossain SM, Tony RR, Hannan JM. 논문명 : Anti-hyperglycemic activity of Aegle marmelos (L.) corr. is partly mediated by increased insulin secretion, 慣-amylase inhibition, and retardation of glucose absorption. 2016
12071 T-18-0997 저자명 : Busse P, D챠az R. 논문명 : What are the television viewing and eating habits of children in Peru? 2016
12070 T-18-0996 저자명 : Lovat C, Nassar AM, Kubow S, Li XQ, Donnelly DJ. 논문명 : Metabolic Biosynthesis of Potato (Solanum tuberosum l.) Antioxidants and Implications for Human Health. 2016
12069 T-18-0995 저자명 : Zou ZY, Hu YR, Ma H, Feng M, Li XG, Ye XL. 논문명 : Epiberberine reduces serum cholesterol in diet-induced dyslipidemia Syrian golden hamsters via network pathways involving cholesterol metabolism. 2016
12068 T-18-0994 저자명 : Eggert E, Obata T, Gerstenberger A, Gier K, Brandt T, Fernie AR, Schulze W, K체hn C. 논문명 : A sucrose transporter-interacting protein disulphide isomerase affects redox homeostasis and links sucrose partitioning with abiotic stress tolerance. 2016
12067 T-18-0993 저자명 : Muraki I, Rimm EB, Willett WC, Manson JE, Hu FB, Sun Q. 논문명 : Potato Consumption and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: Results From Three Prospective Cohort Studies. 2016
12066 T-18-0992 저자명 : Ahn S, Shin HW, Mahmood U, Khalmuratova R, Jeon SY, Jin HR, Choi JS, Kim HS, Kim DW. 논문명 : Chronic anosmia induces depressive behavior and reduced anxiety via dysregulation of glucocorticoid receptor and corticotropin-releasing hormone in a mouse model. 2016
12065 T-18-0991 저자명 : Badanavalu Chandrashekar K, Dharmesh SM. 논문명 : Gastro protective and H(+), K(+)-ATPase/H. pylori inhibitory properties of pectic polysaccharides from potato. 2016