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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12034 T-18-0959 저자명 : Weber KS, Knebel B, Strassburger K, Kotzka J, Stehle P, Szendroedi J, M체ssig K, Buyken AE, Roden M; GDS Group.. 논문명 : Associations between explorative dietary patterns and serum lipid levels and their interactions with ApoA5 and ApoE haplotype in patients with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes. 2016
12033 T-18-0958 저자명 : Melaku YA, Gill TK, Adams R, Shi Z. 논문명 : Association between dietary patterns and low bone mineral density among adults aged 50 years and above: findings from the North West Adelaide Health Study (NWAHS). 2016
12032 T-18-0957 저자명 : Wang Y, Han Y, Chai F, Xiang H, Huang T, Kou S, Han B, Gong X, Ye X. 논문명 : The antihypercholesterolemic effect of columbamine from Rhizoma Coptidis in HFHC-diet induced hamsters through HNF-4慣/FTF-mediated CYP7A1 activation. 2016
12031 T-18-0956 저자명 : Larsson SC, Wolk A. 논문명 : Potato consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease: 2 prospective cohort studies. 2016
12030 T-18-0955 저자명 : Hu Y, Xia S, Su Y, Wang H, Luo W, Su S, Xiao L. 논문명 : Brassinolide Increases Potato Root Growth In Vitro in a Dose-Dependent Way and Alleviates Salinity Stress. 2016
12029 T-18-0954 저자명 : Kawakami S, Han KH, Araki T, Ohba K, Wakabayashi T, Shimada K, Fukushima M. 논문명 : Potato powders prepared by successive cooking-process depending on resistant starch content affect the intestinal fermentation in rats. 2016
12028 T-18-0953 저자명 : Nam SY, Park BJ, Cho YA, Ryu KH, Choi IJ, Park S, Kim YW. 논문명 : Different effects of dietary factors on reflux esophagitis and non-erosive reflux disease in 11,690 Korean subjects. 2016
12027 T-18-0952 저자명 : Han T, Tian S, Wang L, Liang X, Cui H, Du S, Na G, Na L, Sun C. 논문명 : Dietary Information Improves Model Performance and Predictive Ability of a Noninvasive Type 2 Diabetes Risk Model. 2016
12026 T-18-0951 저자명 : Abousaad S, Lassiter K, Piekarski A, Chary P, Striplin K, Christensen K, Bielke LR, Hargis BM, Dridi S, Bottje WG. 논문명 : Effect of in ovo feeding of dextrin-iodinated casein in broilers: II. Hatch window and growth performance. 2016
12025 T-18-0950 저자명 : Keel S, Itsiopoulos C, Koklanis K, Vukicevic M, Cameron F, Gilbertson H, Brazionis L. 논문명 : Dietary patterns and retinal vascular calibre in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes. 2016