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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12054 T-18-0980 저자명 : Sun Y, Yu K, Zhou L, Fang L, Su Y, Zhu W. 논문명 : Metabolomic and transcriptomic responses induced in the livers of pigs by the long-term intake of resistant starch. 2016
12053 T-18-0979 저자명 : Qian J, Zhou H, Zhao MD, Wang H, Li F, Wang YH, Fang RJ, Zhao WG, Kim HJ. 논문명 : Molecular cloning and expression analyses of RPS3a gene from mulberry under abiotic stresses and among different mulberry varieties. 2016
12052 T-18-0978 저자명 : Borgi L, Rimm EB, Willett WC, Forman JP. 논문명 : Potato intake and incidence of hypertension: results from three prospective US cohort studies. 2016
12051 T-18-0977 저자명 : [No authors listed] 논문명 : Study claims link between potato consumption and hypertension risk. 2016
12050 T-18-0976 저자명 : Ku SK, Sung SH, Choung JJ, Choi JS, Shin YK, Kim JW. 논문명 : Anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects of a standardized potato extract in ob/ob mice. 2016
12049 T-18-0975 저자명 : Gronostaj K, Richter P, Nowak W, Undas A. 논문명 : Determinants of hypofibrinolysis in patients with digestive tract cancer. 2016
12048 T-18-0974 저자명 : [No authors listed] 논문명 : Higher potato intake associated with hypertension risk. 2016
12047 T-18-0973 저자명 : Venkataraman A, Sieber JR, Schmidt AW, Waldron C, Theis KR, Schmidt TM. 논문명 : Variable responses of human microbiomes to dietary supplementation with resistant starch. 2016
12046 T-18-0972 저자명 : Borch D, Juul-Hindsgaul N, Veller M, Astrup A, Jaskolowski J, Raben A. 논문명 : Potatoes and risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease in apparently healthy adults: a systematic review of clinical intervention and observational studies. 2016
12045 T-18-0971 저자명 : Chiang WD, Huang CY, Paul CR, Lee ZY, Lin WT. 논문명 : Lipolysis stimulating peptides of potato protein hydrolysate effectively suppresses high-fat-diet-induced hepatocyte apoptosis and fibrosis in aging rats. 2016