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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12094 T-18-1024 저자명 : Joy JM, Vogel RM, Moon JR, Falcone PH, Mosman MM, Kim MP. 논문명 : Twelve weeks supplementation with an extended-release caffeine and ATP-enhancing supplement may improve body composition without affecting hematology in resistance-trained men. 2016
12093 T-18-1023 저자명 : Wang Y, Wang Y, Li J, Hua L, Han B, Zhang Y, Yang X, Zeng Z, Bai H, Yin H, Lou J. 논문명 : Effects of caffeic acid on learning deficits in a model of Alzheimer's disease. 2016
12092 T-18-1022 저자명 : Masumoto S, Terao A, Yamamoto Y, Mukai T, Miura T, Shoji T. 논문명 : Non-absorbable apple procyanidins prevent obesity associated with gut microbial and metabolomic changes. 2016
12091 T-18-1021 저자명 : Lin ST, Tu SH, Yang PS, Hsu SP, Lee WH, Ho CT, Wu CH, Lai YH, Chen MY, Chen LC. 논문명 : Apple Polyphenol Phloretin Inhibits Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth via Inhibition of the Type 2 Glucose Transporter and Activation of p53-Mediated Signaling. 2016
12090 T-18-1020 저자명 : Waisbourd M, Dhami H, Zhou C, Hsieh M, Abichandani P, Pro MJ, Moster MR, Katz LJ, Hark LA, Myers JS. 논문명 : The Wills Eye Glaucoma App: Interest of Patients and Their Caregivers in a Smartphone-based and Tablet-based Glaucoma Application. 2016
12089 T-18-1019 저자명 : Wang F, Xue Y, Yang J, Lin F, Sun Y, Li T, Wu C. 논문명 : Hepatoprotective effect of apple polyphenols against concanavalin A-induced immunological liver injury in mice. 2016
12088 T-18-1018 저자명 : Tenore GC, Caruso D, Buonomo G, D'Urso E, D'Avino M, Campiglia P, Marinelli L, Novellino E. 논문명 : Annurca (Malus pumila Miller cv. Annurca) apple as a functional food for the contribution to a healthy balance of plasma cholesterol levels: results of a randomized clinical trial. 2016
12087 T-18-1017 저자명 : Scafuri B, Marabotti A, Carbone V, Minasi P, Dotolo S, Facchiano A. 논문명 : A theoretical study on predicted protein targets of apple polyphenols and possible mechanisms of chemoprevention in colorectal cancer. 2016
12086 T-18-1016 저자명 : Huang WC, Lai CL, Liang YT, Hung HC, Liu HC, Liou CJ. 논문명 : Phloretin attenuates LPS-induced acute lung injury in mice via modulation of the NF-觀B and MAPK pathways. 2016
12085 T-18-1015 저자명 : Wagner A, Szwed A, Buczy흢ko K, Wagner W. 논문명 : Allergy to apple cultivars among patients with birch pollinosis and oral allergy syndrome. 2016