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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11634 T-18-0552 저자명 : Fr챠as M, Gonz찼lez M, Gonz찼lez C, Brito N. 논문명 : BcIEB1, a Botrytis cinerea secreted protein, elicits a defense response in plants. 2016
11633 T-18-0551 저자명 : Ghosh M, Jana A, Sinha S, Jothiramajayam M, Nag A, Chakraborty A, Mukherjee A, Mukherjee A. 논문명 : Effects of ZnO nanoparticles in plants: Cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, deregulation of antioxidant defenses, and cell-cycle arrest. 2016
11632 T-18-0550 저자명 : Miltonprabu S, Tomczyk M, Skalicka-Wo탄niak K, Rastrelli L, Daglia M, Nabavi SF, Alavian SM, Nabavi SM. 논문명 : Hepatoprotective effect of quercetin: From chemistry to medicine. 2016
11631 T-18-0549 저자명 : Hartner A, Jagusch L, Cordasic N, Amann K, Veelken R, Jacobi J, Hilgers KF. 논문명 : Impaired Neovascularization and Reduced Capillary Supply in the Malignant vs. Non-malignant Course of Experimental Renovascular Hypertension. 2016
11630 T-18-0548 저자명 : Carvalho FR, Moura AG, Rodrigues GF, Nunes NM, Lima DJ, Pessoa C, Costa MP, Ferreira PM, Peron AP. 논문명 : Are salty liquid food flavorings in vitro antitumor substances? 2016
11629 T-18-0547 저자명 : de Wit NJ, Hulst M, Govers C, van der Meulen J, van Hoef A, Stoopen G, Hamers A, Hoekman A, de Vos R, Bovee TF, Smits M, Mes JJ, Hendriksen PJ. 논문명 : Effects of Digested Onion Extracts on Intestinal Gene Expression: An Interspecies Comparison Using Different Intestine Models. 2016
11628 T-18-0546 저자명 : Mascarenhas JX, Korokhov N, Burger L, Kassim A, Tuter J, Miller D, Borgschulte T, George HJ, Chang A, Pintel DJ, Onions D, Kayser KJ. 논문명 : Genetic engineering of CHO cells for viral resistance to minute virus of mice. 2016
11627 T-18-0545 저자명 : Lee BK, Jung YS. 논문명 : Allium cepa Extract and Quercetin Protect Neuronal Cells from Oxidative Stress via PKC-琯 Inactivation/ERK1/2 Activation. 2016
11626 T-18-0544 저자명 : Zhao Y, Fan D, Zheng ZP, Li ET, Chen F, Cheng KW, Wang M. 논문명 : 8-C-(E-phenylethenyl)quercetin from onion/beef soup induces autophagic cell death in colon cancer cells through ERK activation. 2016
11625 T-18-0543 저자명 : Rajeshwari A, Roy B, Chandrasekaran N, Mukherjee A. 논문명 : Cytogenetic evaluation of gold nanorods using Allium cepa test. 2016