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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11674 T-18-0592 저자명 : Elshazly MO, Morgan AM, Ali ME, Abdel-Mawla E, Abd El-Rahman SS. 논문명 : The mitigative effect of Raphanus sativus oil on chromium-induced geno- and hepatotoxicity in male rats. 2016
11673 T-18-0591 저자명 : Saquib Q, Faisal M, Alatar AA, Al-Khedhairy AA, Ahmed M, Ansari SM, Alwathnani HA, Okla MK, Dwivedi S, Musarrat J, Praveen S, Khan ST, Wahab R, Siddiqui MA, Ahmad J. 논문명 : Genotoxicity of ferric oxide nanoparticles in Raphanus sativus: Deciphering the role of signaling factors, oxidative stress and cell death. 2016
11672 T-18-0590 저자명 : Biczak R, Paw흢owska B, Telesi흦ski A, Ciesielski W. 논문명 : The effect of the number of alkyl substituents on imidazolium ionic liquids phytotoxicity and oxidative stress in spring barley and common radish seedlings. 2016
11671 T-18-0589 저자명 : Xin J, Zhao X, Tan Q, Sun X, Wen X, Qin S, Hu C. 논문명 : The Effects of Cadmium Exposure on Cadmium Fractionation and Enzyme Activities in the Rhizosphere of Two Radish Cultivars (Raphanus sativus L.). 2016
11670 T-18-0588 저자명 : Mete R, Oran M, Topcu B, Oznur M, Seber ES, Gedikbasi A, Yetisyigit T. 논문명 : Protective effects of onion (Allium cepa) extract against doxorubicin-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. 2016
11669 T-18-0587 저자명 : Emamat H, Foroughi F, Eini-Zinab H, Taghizadeh M, Rismanchi M, Hekmatdoost A. 논문명 : The effects of onion consumption on treatment of metabolic, histologic, and inflammatory features of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. 2016
11668 T-18-0586 저자명 : Deng C, Wu D, Zhai Z, Lin Q, Zhong Z, Yang Y, Chen Q, Lian N, Gao S, Yang M, Liu K, Wang C. 논문명 : Close concordance between pulmonary angiography and pathology in a canine model with chronic pulmonary thromboembolism and pathological mechanisms after lung ischemia reperfusion injury. 2016
11667 T-18-0585 저자명 : Maiti S, Sasmal K, Sinha SS, Singh M. 논문명 : Analysis of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity on E. coli, human blood cells and Allium cepa suggests a greater toxic potential of hair dye. 2016
11666 T-18-0584 저자명 : Chiu HF, Shen YC, Huang TY, Venkatakrishnan K, Wang CK. 논문명 : Cardioprotective Efficacy of Red Wine Extract of Onion in Healthy Hypercholesterolemic Subjects. 2016
11665 T-18-0583 저자명 : Nuruzzaman M, Cao H, Xiu H, Luo T, Li J, Chen X, Luo J, Luo Z. 논문명 : Transcriptomics-based identification of WRKY genes and characterization of a salt and hormone-responsive PgWRKY1 gene in Panax ginseng. 2016