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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11684 T-18-0602 저자명 : Liu WJ, Hou XQ, Chen H, Liang JY, Sun JB. 논문명 : Chemical constituents from Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb. and their chemotaxonomic significance. 2016
11683 T-18-0601 저자명 : Wang S, Zhang Q, Zhang Y, Shen C, Wang Z, Wu Q, Zhang Y, Li S, Qiao Y. 논문명 : Agrimol B suppresses adipogenesis through modulation of SIRT1-PPAR gamma signal pathway. 2016
11682 T-18-0600 저자명 : Jin X, Song S, Wang J, Zhang Q, Qiu F, Zhao F. 논문명 : Tiliroside, the major component of Agrimonia pilosa Ledeb ethanol extract, inhibits MAPK/JNK/p38-mediated inflammation in lipopolysaccharide-activated RAW 264.7 macrophages. 2016
11681 T-18-0599 저자명 : Teng H, Chen L, Song H. 논문명 : The potential beneficial effects of phenolic compounds isolated from A. pilosa Ledeb on insulin-resistant hepatic HepG2 cells. 2016
11680 T-18-0598 저자명 : Biczak R. 논문명 : Quaternary ammonium salts with tetrafluoroborate anion: Phytotoxicity and oxidative stress in terrestrial plants. 2016
11679 T-18-0597 저자명 : Choi KC, Cho SW, Kook SH, Chun SR, Bhattarai G, Poudel SB, Kim MK, Lee KY, Lee JC. 논문명 : Intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of the seeds of Raphanus sativus L. in experimental ulcerative colitis models. 2016
11678 T-18-0596 저자명 : Kim E, Ko HJ, Jeon SJ, Lee S, Lee HE, Kim HN, Woo ER, Ryu JH. 논문명 : The memory-enhancing effect of erucic acid on scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment in mice. 2016
11677 T-18-0595 저자명 : Park CH, Baskar TB, Park SY, Kim SJ, Valan Arasu M, Al-Dhabi NA, Kim JK, Park SU. 논문명 : Metabolic Profiling and Antioxidant Assay of Metabolites from Three Radish Cultivars (Raphanus sativus). 2016
11676 T-18-0594 저자명 : Baenas N, Piegholdt S, Schloesser A, Moreno DA, Garc챠a-Viguera C, Rimbach G, Wagner AE. 논문명 : Metabolic Activity of Radish Sprouts Derived Isothiocyanates in Drosophila melanogaster. 2016
11675 T-18-0593 저자명 : Vivarelli F, Canistro D, Sapone A, De Nicola GR, Babot Marquillas C, Iori R, Antonazzo IC, Gentilini F, Paolini M. 논문명 : Raphanus sativus cv. Sango Sprout Juice Decreases Diet-Induced Obesity in Sprague Dawley Rats and Ameliorates Related Disorders. 2016