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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11594 T-18-0512 저자명 : Schoenknecht C, Andersen G, Schmidts I, Schieberle P. 논문명 : Quantitation of Gingerols in Human Plasma by Newly Developed Stable Isotope Dilution Assays and Assessment of Their Immunomodulatory Potential. 2016
11593 T-18-0511 저자명 : Zhou Y, Li Y, Zhou T, Zheng J, Li S, Li HB. 논문명 : Dietary Natural Products for Prevention and Treatment of Liver Cancer. 2016
11592 T-18-0510 저자명 : Taga Y, Kusubata M, Ogawa-Goto K, Hattori S. 논문명 : Efficient Absorption of X-Hydroxyproline (Hyp)-Gly after Oral Administration of a Novel Gelatin Hydrolysate Prepared Using Ginger Protease. 2016
11591 T-18-0509 저자명 : Dyab AK, Yones DA, Ibraheim ZZ, Hassan TM. 논문명 : Anti-giardial therapeutic potential of dichloromethane extracts of Zingiber officinale and Curcuma longa in vitro and in vivo. 2016
11590 T-18-0508 저자명 : Saha P, Katarkar A, Das B, Bhattacharyya A, Chaudhuri K. 논문명 : 6-Gingerol inhibits Vibrio cholerae-induced proinflammatory cytokines in intestinal epithelial cells via modulation of NF-觀B. 2016
11589 T-18-0507 저자명 : Yada K, Ishibashi H, Mori H, Morine Y, Zhu C, Feng R, Kono T, Shimada M. 논문명 : The Kampo medicine 2016
11588 T-18-0506 저자명 : Wahlqvist ML, Lee MS, Lee JT, Hsu CC, Chou YC, Fang WH, Liu HY, Xiu L, Andrews ZB. 논문명 : Cinnamon users with prediabetes have a better fasting working memory: a cross-sectional function study. 2016
11587 T-18-0505 저자명 : Akinyemi AJ, Thom챕 GR, Morsch VM, Bottari NB, Baldissarelli J, de Oliveira LS, Goularte JF, Bell처-Klein A, Duarte T, Duarte M, Boligon AA, Athayde ML, Akindahunsi AA, Oboh G, Schetinger MR. 논문명 : Effect of Ginger and Turmeric Rhizomes on Inflammatory Cytokines Levels and Enzyme Activities of Cholinergic and Purinergic Systems in Hypertensive Rats. 2016
11586 T-18-0504 저자명 : Duarte MC, Tavares GS, Valadares DG, Lage DP, Ribeiro TG, Lage LM, Rodrigues MR, Faraco AA, Soto M, da Silva ES, Ch찼vez Fumagalli MA, Tavares CA, Leite JP, Oliveira JS, Castilho RO, Coelho EA. 논문명 : Antileishmanial activity and mechanism of action from a purified fraction of Zingiber officinalis Roscoe against Leishmania amazonensis. 2016
11585 T-18-0503 저자명 : Ghareib SA, El-Bassossy HM, Elberry AA, Azhar A, Watson ML, Banjar ZM, Alahdal AM. 논문명 : Protective effect of zingerone on increased vascular contractility in diabetic rat aorta. 2016