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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11644 T-18-0562 저자명 : Gavazzoni-Dias MF, Rochael M, Vilar E, Tanus A, Tosti A. 논문명 : Eczema-Like Psoriasiform Skin Reaction due to Brazilian Keratin Treatment. 2016
11643 T-18-0561 저자명 : Lee YG, Cho JY, Kim YM, Moon JH. 논문명 : Change in Flavonoid Composition and Antioxidative Activity during Fermentation of Onion (Allium cepa L.) by Leuconostoc mesenteroides with Different Salt Concentrations. 2016
11642 T-18-0560 저자명 : Kashiwabara M, Asano K, Mizuyoshi T, Kobayashi H. 논문명 : Suppression of neuropeptide production by quercetin in allergic rhinitis model rats. 2016
11641 T-18-0559 저자명 : Park JS, Cha YJ, Lee KH, Yim JE. 논문명 : Erratum: Onion peel extract reduces the percentage of body fat in overweight and obese subjects: a 12-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. 2016
11640 T-18-0558 저자명 : Sahariah SA, Potdar RD, Gandhi M, Kehoe SH, Brown N, Sane H, Coakley PJ, Marley-Zagar E, Chopra H, Shivshankaran D, Cox VA, Jackson AA, Margetts BM, Fall CH. 논문명 : A Daily Snack Containing Leafy Green Vegetables, Fruit, and Milk before and during Pregnancy Prevents Gestational Diabetes in a Randomized, Controlled Trial in Mumbai, India. 2016
11639 T-18-0557 저자명 : Aboubakr HA, Nauertz A, Luong NT, Agrawal S, El-Sohaimy SA, Youssef MM, Goyal SM. 논문명 : In Vitro Antiviral Activity of Clove and Ginger Aqueous Extracts against Feline Calicivirus, a Surrogate for Human Norovirus. 2016
11638 T-18-0556 저자명 : Jafarpour-Sadegh F, Montazeri V, Adili A, Esfehani A, Rashidi MR, Pirouzpanah S. 논문명 : Consumption of Fresh Yellow Onion Ameliorates Hyperglycemia and Insulin Resistance in Breast Cancer Patients During Doxorubicin-Based Chemotherapy: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. 2016
11637 T-18-0555 저자명 : Sajitha GR, Augusti KT, Jose R. 논문명 : Prophylactic Effects of Garlic Oil and Onion Oil Fractions as Compared to Vitamin E on Rats Orally Fed with Lead Acetate Solution. 2016
11636 T-18-0554 저자명 : Br체ll V, Burak C, Stoffel-Wagner B, Wolffram S, Nickenig G, M체ller C, Langguth P, Alteheld B, Fimmers R, Stehle P, Egert S. 논문명 : No effects of quercetin from onion skin extract on serum leptin and adiponectin concentrations in overweight-to-obese patients with (pre-)hypertension: a randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled crossover trial. 2016
11635 T-18-0553 저자명 : Ventura-Camargo Bde C, de Angelis Dde F, Marin-Morales MA. 논문명 : Assessment of the cytotoxic, genotoxic and mutagenic effects of the commercial black dye in Allium cepa cells before and after bacterial biodegradation treatment. 2016