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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11664 T-18-0582 저자명 : Law YY, Chiu HF, Lee HH, Shen YC, Venkatakrishnan K, Wang CK. 논문명 : Consumption of onion juice modulates oxidative stress and attenuates the risk of bone disorders in middle-aged and post-menopausal healthy subjects. 2016
11663 T-18-0581 저자명 : Wei X, Shen F, Hong Y, Rong W, Du L, Liu X, Xu H, Ma L, Zhang Z. 논문명 : The wheat calcium-dependent protein kinase TaCPK7-D positively regulates host resistance to sharp eyespot disease. 2016
11662 T-18-0580 저자명 : Reumann S, Chowdhary G, Lingner T. 논문명 : Characterization, prediction and evolution of plant peroxisomal targeting signals type 1 (PTS1s). 2016
11661 T-18-0579 저자명 : Shi Y, Williamson G. 논문명 : Quercetin lowers plasma uric acid in pre-hyperuricaemic males: a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial. 2016
11660 T-18-0578 저자명 : Herieka M, Faraj TA, Erridge C. 논문명 : Reduced dietary intake of pro-inflammatory Toll-like receptor stimulants favourably modifies markers of cardiometabolic risk in healthy men. 2016
11659 T-18-0577 저자명 : Onion D, Argent RH, Reece-Smith AM, Craze ML, Pineda RG, Clarke PA, Ratan HL, Parsons SL, Lobo DN, Duffy JP, Atherton JC, McKenzie AJ, Kumari R, King P, Hall BM, Grabowska AM. 논문명 : 3-Dimensional Patient-Derived Lung Cancer Assays Reveal Resistance to Standards-of-Care Promoted by Stromal Cells but Sensitivity to Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors. 2016
11658 T-18-0576 저자명 : Cho YH, Lee JW, Woo HD, Lee S, Kim YJ, Lee Y, Shin S, Joung H, Chung HW. 논문명 : Protective Effect of Onion Extract on Bleomycin-Induced Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity in Human Lymphocytes. 2016
11657 T-18-0575 저자명 : Ribeiro TP, Sousa TR, Arruda AS, Peixoto N, Gon챌alves PJ, Almeida LM. 논문명 : Evaluation of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of Hancornia speciosa latex in Allium cepa root model. 2016
11656 T-18-0574 저자명 : Zhang DM, Pan YX, Zhang Y, Li ZK, Wu LQ, Liu HW, Zhang GY, Wang XF, Ma ZY. 논문명 : Antisense expression of Gossypium hirsutum UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase in Arabidopsis leads to changes in cell wall components. 2016
11655 T-18-0573 저자명 : Br체ll V, Burak C, Stoffel-Wagner B, Wolffram S, Nickenig G, M체ller C, Langguth P, Alteheld B, Fimmers R, Stehle P, Egert S. 논문명 : Acute intake of quercetin from onion skin extract does not influence postprandial blood pressure and endothelial function in overweight-to-obese adults with hypertension: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. 2016