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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11914 T-18-0836 저자명 : Li MQ, Hasan MK, Li CX, Ahammed GJ, Xia XJ, Shi K, Zhou YH, Reiter RJ, Yu JQ, Xu MX, Zhou J. 논문명 : Melatonin mediates selenium-induced tolerance to cadmium stress in tomato plants. 2016
11913 T-18-0835 저자명 : Ahmadi Ashtiani H, Khaki A, Ejtemaei Mehr S, Anjarani S, Dadgarnejad M, Alebouyeh M, Rastegar H. 논문명 : Attenuated Lead Induced Apoptosis in Rat Hepatocytes in the Presence of Lycopersicon Esculentum. 2016
11912 T-18-0834 저자명 : Mart?? R, Rosell?? S, Cebolla-Cornejo J. 논문명 : Tomato as a Source of Carotenoids and Polyphenols Targeted to Cancer Prevention. 2016
11911 T-18-0833 저자명 : Avila-Nava A, Noriega LG, Tovar AR, Granados O, Perez-Cruz C, Pedraza-Chaverri J, Torres N. 논문명 : Food combination based on a pre-hispanic Mexican diet decreases metabolic and cognitive abnormalities and gut microbiota dysbiosis caused by a sucrose-enriched high-fat diet in rats. 2016
11910 T-18-0832 저자명 : Martinez V, Mestre TC, Rubio F, Girones-Vilaplana A, Moreno DA, Mittler R, Rivero RM. 논문명 : Accumulation of Flavonols over Hydroxycinnamic Acids Favors Oxidative Damage Protection under Abiotic Stress. 2016
11909 T-18-0831 저자명 : Krasuska U, Andrzejczak O, Staszek P, Bogatek R, Gniazdowska A. 논문명 : Canavanine Alters ROS/RNS Level and Leads to Post-translational Modification of Proteins in Roots of Tomato Seedlings. 2016
11908 T-18-0830 저자명 : O'Kennedy N, Raederstorff D, Duttaroy AK. 논문명 : Fruitflow(??): the first European Food Safety Authority-approved natural cardio-protective functional ingredient. 2016
11907 T-18-0829 저자명 : Badejo AA, Adebowale AP, Enujiugha VN. 논문명 : Changes in Nutrient Composition, Antioxidant Properties, and Enzymes Activities of Snake Tomato (Trichosanthes cucumerina) during Ripening. 2016
11906 T-18-0828 저자명 : Priller JP, Reid S, Konein P, Dietrich P, Sonnewald S. 논문명 : The Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria Type-3 Effector XopB Inhibits Plant Defence Responses by Interfering with ROS Production. 2016
11905 T-18-0827 저자명 : Paur I, Lilleby W, B??hn SK, Hulander E, Klein W, Vlatkovic L, Axcrona K, Bolstad N, Bj??ro T, Laake P, Task??n KA, Svindland A, Eri LM, Brennhovd B, Carlsen MH, Foss?? SD, Smeland SS, Karlsen AS, Blomhoff R. 논문명 : Tomato-based randomized controlled trial in prostate cancer patients: Effect on PSA. 2016