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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11944 T-18-0867 저자명 : Schwager J, Richard N, Mussler B, Raederstorff D. 논문명 : Tomato Aqueous Extract Modulates the Inflammatory Profile of Immune Cells and Endothelial Cells. 2016
11943 T-18-0866 저자명 : Mart??nez-Hu??lamo M, Vallverd??-Queralt A, Di Lecce G, Valderas-Mart??nez P, Tulipani S, J??uregui O, Escribano-Ferrer E, Estruch R, Illan M, Lamuela-Ravent??s RM. 논문명 : Bioavailability of tomato polyphenols is enhanced by processing and fat addition: Evidence from a randomized feeding trial. 2016
11942 T-18-0865 저자명 : Park S, Gupta R, Krishna R, Kim ST, Lee DY, Hwang DJ, Bae SC, Ahn IP. 논문명 : Proteome Analysis of Disease Resistance against Ralstonia solanacearum in Potato Cultivar CT206-10. 2016
11941 T-18-0864 저자명 : Skiepko N, Chwastowska-Siwiecka I, Kondratowicz J, Mikulski D. 논문명 : Fatty acid profile, total cholesterol, vitamin content, and TBARS value of turkey breast muscle cured with the addition of lycopene. 2016
11940 T-18-0863 저자명 : Choudhary D, Pandey A, Adhikary S, Ahmad N, Bhatia C, Bhambhani S, Trivedi PK, Trivedi R. 논문명 : Genetically engineered flavonol enriched tomato fruit modulates chondrogenesis to increase bone length in growing animals. 2016
11939 T-18-0862 저자명 : Spicher L, Glauser G, Kessler F. 논문명 : Lipid Antioxidant and Galactolipid Remodeling under Temperature Stress in Tomato Plants. 2016
11938 T-18-0861 저자명 : Roy S, Ahmed F, Banerjee S, Saha U. 논문명 : Naringenin ameliorates streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat renal impairment by downregulation of TGF-??1 and IL-1 via modulation of oxidative stress correlates with decreased apoptotic events. 2016
11937 T-18-0860 저자명 : D??az-Manzano FE, Olmo R, Cabrera J, Barcala M, Escobar C, Fenoll C. 논문명 : Long-Term In Vitro System for Maintenance and Amplification of Root-Knot Nematodes in Cucumis sativus Roots. 2016
11936 T-18-0859 저자명 : Lavelli V, Sri Harsha PS, Ferranti P, Scarafoni A, Iametti S. 논문명 : Grape skin phenolics as inhibitors of mammalian ??-glucosidase and ??-amylase--effect of food matrix and processing on efficacy. 2016
11935 T-18-0858 저자명 : Tong C, Peng C, Wang L, Zhang L, Yang X, Xu P, Li J, Delplancke T, Zhang H, Qi H. 논문명 : Intravenous Administration of Lycopene, a Tomato Extract, Protects against Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury. 2016