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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11974 T-18-0899 저자명 : Ina S, Ninomiya K, Mogi T, Hase A, Ando T, Matsukaze N, Ogihara J, Akao M, Kumagai H, Kumagai H. 논문명 : Rice (Oryza sativa japonica) Albumin Suppresses the Elevation of Blood Glucose and Plasma Insulin Levels after Oral Glucose Loading. 2016
11973 T-18-0898 저자명 : Rahman A, Nahar K, Hasanuzzaman M, Fujita M. 논문명 : Calcium Supplementation Improves Na(+)/K(+) Ratio, Antioxidant Defense and Glyoxalase Systems in Salt-Stressed Rice Seedlings. 2016
11972 T-18-0897 저자명 : Mutakin, Rivai IF, Setiawan A, Abdulah R, Kobayashi K, Yamazaki C, Kameo S, Nakazawa M, Koyama H. 논문명 : A STUDY OF THE ASSOCIATION BETWEEN SELENIUM AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE IN LAMPUNG, INDONESIA. 2016
11971 T-18-0896 저자명 : Pompeiano A, Guglielminetti L. 논문명 : Carbohydrate metabolism in germinating caryopses of Oryza sativa L. exposed to prolonged anoxia. 2016
11970 T-18-0895 저자명 : Habachi-Houimli Y, Khalfallah Y, Makni H, Makni M, Bouktila D. 논문명 : Large-scale bioinformatic analysis of the regulation of the disease resistance NBS gene family by microRNAs in Poaceae. 2016
11969 T-18-0894 저자명 : Toda K, Hitoe S, Takeda S, Shimoda H. 논문명 : Black ginger extract increases physical fitness performance and muscular endurance by improving inflammation and energy metabolism. 2016
11968 T-18-0893 저자명 : Wang J, Lv M, Islam F, Gill RA, Yang C, Ali B, Yan G, Zhou W. 논문명 : Salicylic acid mediates antioxidant defense system and ABA pathway related gene expression in Oryza sativa against quinclorac toxicity. 2016
11967 T-18-0892 저자명 : Chen Q, Liang W, Qian F, Qian B, Cao J, Zhang D, Xu Y, Tang L. 논문명 : Rice-produced MSP142 of Plasmodium falciparum elicits antibodies that inhibit parasite growth in vitro. 2016
11966 T-18-0891 저자명 : Jung GY, Park JY, Choi HJ, Yoo SJ, Park JK, Jung HW. 논문명 : A Rice Gene Homologous to Arabidopsis AGD2-LIKE DEFENSE1 Participates in Disease Resistance Response against Infection with Magnaporthe oryzae. 2016
11965 T-18-0890 저자명 : Kim MY, Kim BY, Oh SM, Reljic R, Jang YS, Yang MS. 논문명 : Oral immunisation of mice with transgenic rice calli expressing cholera toxin B subunit fused to consensus dengue cEDIII antigen induces antibodies to all four dengue serotypes. 2016