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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11924 T-18-0846 저자명 : Zarattini M, Launay A, Farjad M, W??n??s E, Taconnat L, Boutet S, Bernacchia G, Fagard M. 논문명 : The bile acid deoxycholate elicits defences in Arabidopsis and reduces bacterial infection. 2016
11923 T-18-0845 저자명 : Sirovina D, Or??oli?? N, Gregorovi?? G, Kon??i?? MZ. 논문명 : Naringenin ameliorates pathological changes in liver and kidney of diabetic mice: a preliminary study. 2016
11922 T-18-0844 저자명 : Kov??cs J, Po??r P, Szepesi ??, Tari I. 논문명 : Salicylic acid induced cysteine protease activity during programmed cell death in tomato plants. 2016
11921 T-18-0843 저자명 : Yamashoji S, Onoda E. 논문명 : Detoxification and function of immature tomato. 2016
11920 T-18-0842 저자명 : Gonzalez JM Jr, Ko MK, Masedunskas A, Hong YK, Weigert R, Tan JC. 논문명 : Toward in??vivo two-photon analysis of mouse aqueous outflow structure and function. 2016
11919 T-18-0841 저자명 : Fessard A, Bourdon E, Payet B, Remize F. 논문명 : Identification, stress tolerance, and antioxidant activity of lactic acid bacteria isolated from tropically grown fruits and leaves. 2016
11918 T-18-0840 저자명 : Zimmermann D, Gomez-Barrera JA, Pasule C, Brack-Frick UB, Sieferer E, Nicholson TM, Pfannstiel J, Stintzi A, Schaller A. 논문명 : Cell Death Control by Matrix Metalloproteinases. 2016
11917 T-18-0839 저자명 : Dai F, Gao L, Zhao Y, Wang C, Xie S. 논문명 : Farrerol inhibited angiogenesis through Akt/mTOR, Erk and Jak2/Stat3 signal pathway. 2016
11916 T-18-0838 저자명 : Li M, Ahammed GJ, Li C, Bao X, Yu J, Huang C, Yin H, Zhou J. 논문명 : Brassinosteroid Ameliorates Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles-Induced Oxidative Stress by Improving Antioxidant Potential and Redox Homeostasis in Tomato Seedling. 2016
11915 T-18-0837 저자명 : Wen D, Gong B, Sun S, Liu S, Wang X, Wei M, Yang F, Li Y, Shi Q. 논문명 : Promoting Roles of Melatonin in Adventitious Root Development of Solanum lycopersicum L. by Regulating Auxin and Nitric Oxide Signaling. 2016