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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11954 T-18-0878 저자명 : Kenfield SA, Batista JL, Jahn JL, Downer MK, Van Blarigan EL, Sesso HD, Giovannucci EL, Stampfer MJ, Chan JM. 논문명 : Development and Application of a Lifestyle Score for Prevention of Lethal Prostate Cancer. 2016
11953 T-18-0877 저자명 : Hosseini-Vashan SJ, Golian A, Yaghobfar A. 논문명 : Growth, immune, antioxidant, and bone responses of heat stress-exposed broilers fed diets supplemented with tomato pomace. 2016
11952 T-18-0876 저자명 : Wu CH, Belhaj K, Bozkurt TO, Birk MS, Kamoun S. 논문명 : Helper NLR proteins NRC2a/b and NRC3 but not NRC1 are required for Pto-mediated cell death and resistance in Nicotiana benthamiana. 2016
11951 T-18-0875 저자명 : Almeida J, Azevedo Mda S, Spicher L, Glauser G, vom Dorp K, Guyer L, del Valle Carranza A, Asis R, de Souza AP, Buckeridge M, Demarco D, Bres C, Rothan C, Peres LE, H??rtensteiner S, Kessler F, D??rmann P, Carrari F, Rossi M. 논문명 : Down-regulation of tomato PHYTOL KINASE strongly impairs tocopherol biosynthesis and affects prenyllipid metabolism in an organ-specific manner. 2016
11950 T-18-0874 저자명 : Guti??rrez-Alc??ntara EJ, Rangel-Vargas E, G??mez-Aldapa CA, Falfan-Cortes RN, Rodr??guez-Mar??n ML, God??nez-Oviedo A, Cortes-L??pez H, Castro-Rosas J. 논문명 : Antibacterial effect of roselle extracts (Hibiscus sabadariffa), sodium hypochlorite and acetic acid against multidrug-resistant Salmonella strains isolated from tomatoes. 2016
11949 T-18-0873 저자명 : Nozawa-Inoue K, Harada F, Magara J, Ohazama A, Maeda T. 논문명 : Contribution of synovial lining cells to synovial vascularization of the rat temporomandibular joint. 2016
11948 T-18-0872 저자명 : Moran NE, Novotny JA, Cichon MJ, Riedl KM, Rogers RB, Grainger EM, Schwartz SJ, Erdman JW Jr, Clinton SK. 논문명 : Absorption and Distribution Kinetics of the 13C-Labeled Tomato Carotenoid Phytoene in Healthy Adults. 2016
11947 T-18-0871 저자명 : Gavrilovic S, Yan Z, Jurkiewicz AM, Stougaard J, Markmann K. 논문명 : Inoculation insensitive promoters for cell type enriched gene expression in legume roots and nodules. 2016
11946 T-18-0869 저자명 : Omarov RT, Ciomperlik J, Scholthof HB. 논문명 : An in vitro reprogrammable antiviral RISC with size-preferential ribonuclease activity. 2016
11945 T-18-0868 저자명 : Lin JL, Zhu J, Wheeldon I. 논문명 : Rapid ester biosynthesis screening reveals a high activity alcohol-O-acyltransferase (AATase) from tomato fruit. 2016