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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6324 T-14-0377 저자명 : Moselhy WA, Helmy NA, Abdel-Halim BR, Nabil TM, Abdel-Hamid MI. 논문명 : Role of ginger against the reproductive toxicity of aluminium chloride in albino male rats. 2012
6323 T-14-0376 저자명 : Karna P, Chagani S, Gundala SR, Rida PC, Asif G, Sharma V, Gupta MV, Aneja R. 논문명 : Benefits of whole ginger extract in prostate cancer. 2012
6322 T-14-0374 저자명 : Li XH, McGrath KC, Nammi S, Heather AK, Roufogalis BD. 논문명 : Attenuation of liver pro-inflammatory responses by Zingiber officinale via inhibition of NF-kappa B activation in high-fat diet-fed rats. 2012
6321 T-14-0366 저자명 : Abdulrazaq NB, Cho MM, Win NN, Zaman R, Rahman MT. 논문명 : Beneficial effects of ginger (Zingiber officinale) on carbohydrate metabolism in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. 2012
6320 T-14-0365 저자명 : Arikawe AP, Oyerinde A, Olatunji-Bello II, Obika LF. 논문명 : Streptozotocin diabetes and insulin resistance impairment of spermatogenesis in adult rat testis: central vs. local mechanism. 2012
6319 T-14-0364 저자명 : Niempoog S, Pawa KK, Amatyakul C. 논문명 : The efficacy of powdered ginger in osteoarthritis of the knee. 2012
6318 T-14-0363 저자명 : Zahedi A, Fathiazad F, Khaki A, Ahmadnejad B. 논문명 : Protective effect of ginger on gentamicin-induced apoptosis in testis of rats. 2012
6317 T-14-0362 저자명 : Sharma P, Singh R. 논문명 : Dichlorvos and lindane induced oxidative stress in rat brain: Protective effects of ginger. 2012
6316 T-14-0361 저자명 : Peng F, Tao Q, Wu X, Dou H, Spencer S, Mang C, Xu L, Sun L, Zhao Y, Li H, Zeng S, Liu G, Hao X. 논문명 : Cytotoxic, cytoprotective and antioxidant effects of isolated phenolic compounds from fresh ginger. 2012
6315 T-14-0360 저자명 : Rani MP, Krishna MS, Padmakumari KP, Raghu KG, Sundaresan A. 논문명 : Zingiber officinale extract exhibits antidiabetic potential via modulating glucose uptake, protein glycation and inhibiting adipocyte differentiation: an in vitro study. 2012