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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6294 T-14-0137 저자명 : Sharma AK, Munajjam A, Vaishnav B, Sharma R, Sharma A, Kishore K, Sharma A, Sharma D, Kumari R, Tiwari A, Singh SK, Gaur S, Jatav VS, Srinivasan BP, Agarwal SS. 논문명 : Involvement of adenosine and standardization of aqueous extract of garlic (Allium sativum Linn.) on cardioprotective and cardiodepressant properties in ischemic preconditioning and myocardial ischemia-reperfusion induced cardiac injury. 2012
6293 T-14-0136 저자명 : Mirabeau TY, Samson ES. 논문명 : Effect of Allium cepa and Allium sativum on some immunological cells in rats. 2012
6292 T-14-0135 저자명 : Zeng T, Guo FF, Zhang CL, Song FY, Zhao XL, Xie KQ. 논문명 : A meta-analysis of randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials for the effects of garlic on serum lipid profiles. 2012
6291 T-14-0134 저자명 : Khatua TN, Padiya R, Karnewar S, Kuncha M, Agawane SB, Kotamraju S, Banerjee SK. 논문명 : Garlic provides protection to mice heart against isoproterenol-induced oxidative damage: role of nitric oxide. 2012
6290 T-14-0133 저자명 : Fehresti Sani M, Montasser Kouhsari S, Moradabadi L. 논문명 : Effects of Three Medicinal Plants Extracts in Experimental Diabetes: Antioxidant Enzymes Activities and Plasma Lipids Profiles inComparison with Metformin. 2012
6289 T-14-0132 저자명 : Kaneko T, Shimpo K, Chihara T, Beppu H, Tomatsu A, Shinzato M, Yanagida T, Ieike T, Sonoda S, Futamura A, Ito A, Higashiguchi T. 논문명 : Inhibition of ENNG-induced pyloric stomach and small intestinal carcinogenesis in mice by high temperature- and pressure-treated garlic. 2012
6288 T-14-0131 저자명 : Kim HJ, Han MH, Kim GY, Choi YW, Choi YH. 논문명 : Hexane extracts of garlic cloves induce apoptosis through the generation of reactive oxygen species in Hep3B human hepatocarcinoma cells. 2012
6287 T-14-0106 저자명 : Arulselvan P, Wen CC, Lan CW, Chen YH, Wei WC, Yang NS. 논문명 : Dietary administration of scallion extract effectively inhibits colorectal tumor growth: cellular and molecular mechanisms in mice. 2012
6286 T-14-0105 저자명 : Lee JB, Miyake S, Umetsu R, Hayashi K, Chijimatsu T, Hayashi T. 논문명 : Anti-influenza A virus effects of fructan from Welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.). 2012
6285 T-14-0103 저자명 : Mart챠nez-Tom찼s R, Larqu챕 E, Gonz찼lez-Silvera D, S찼nchez-Campillo M, Burgos MI, Wellner A, Parra S, Bialek L, Alminger M, P챕rez-Llamas F. 논문명 : Effect of the consumption of a fruit and vegetable soup with high in vitro carotenoid bioaccessibility on serum carotenoid concentrations and markers of oxidative stress in young men. 2012