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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7524 T-17-0237 저자명 : Ku SK, Kim TH, Lee S, Kim SM, Bae JS. 논문명 : Antithrombotic and profibrinolytic activities of isorhamnetin-3-O-galactoside and hyperoside. 2013
7523 T-17-0236 저자명 : Ku SK, Kim TH, Bae JS. 논문명 : Anticoagulant activities of persicarin and isorhamnetin. 2013
7522 T-17-0235 저자명 : Yang JH, Kim SC, Shin BY, Jin SH, Jo MJ, Jegal KH, Kim YW, Lee JR, Ku SK, Cho IJ, Ki SH. 논문명 : O-Methylated flavonol isorhamnetin prevents acute inflammation through blocking of NF-觀B activation. 2013
7521 T-17-0234 저자명 : Valente J, Zuzarte M, Gon챌alves MJ, Lopes MC, Cavaleiro C, Salgueiro L, Cruz MT. 논문명 : Antifungal, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Oenanthe crocata L. essential oil. 2013
7520 T-17-0220 저자명 : Lee YJ, Kim DB, Lee JS, Cho JH, Kim BK, Choi HS, Lee BY, Lee OH. 논문명 : Antioxidant activity and anti-adipogenic effects of wild herbs mainly cultivated in Korea. 2013
7519 T-17-0186 저자명 : Lee YT, Lee SS, Sun HL, Lu KH, Ku MS, Sheu JN, Ko JL, Lue KH. 논문명 : Effect of the fungal immunomodulatory protein FIP-fve on airway inflammation and cytokine production in mouse asthma model. 2013
7518 T-17-0184 저자명 : Yi C, Sun C, Tong S, Cao X, Feng Y, Firempong CK, Jiang X, Xu X, Yu J. 논문명 : Cytotoxic effect of novel Flammulina velutipes sterols and its oral bioavailability via mixed micellar nanoformulation. 2013
7517 T-17-0183 저자명 : Shang X, Tan Q, Liu R, Yu K, Li P, Zhao GP. 논문명 : In vitro anti-Helicobacter pylori effects of medicinal mushroom extracts, with special emphasis on the Lion's Mane mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (higher Basidiomycetes). 2013
7516 T-17-0182 저자명 : Bennett L, Sheean P, Zabaras D, Head R. 논문명 : Heat-stable components of wood ear mushroom, Auricularia polytricha (higher Basidiomycetes), inhibit in vitro activity of beta secretase (BACE1). 2013
7515 T-17-0157 저자명 : Asghar MN, Shahzad MT, Nadeem I, Ashraf CM. 논문명 : Phytochemical and in vitro total antioxidant capacity analyses of peel extracts of different cultivars of Cucumis melo and Citrullus lanatus. 2013