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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7554 T-17-0523 저자명 : Anandakumar P, Kamaraj S, Jagan S, Ramakrishnan G, Devaki T. 논문명 : Capsaicin provokes apoptosis and restricts benzo(a)pyrene induced lung tumorigenesis in Swiss albino mice. 2013
7553 T-17-0522 저자명 : Ercan N, Uludag MO, Agis ER, Demirel-Yilmaz E. 논문명 : The anti-inflammatory effect of diclofenac is considerably augmented by topical capsaicinoids-containing patch in carrageenan-induced paw oedema of rat. 2013
7552 T-17-0521 저자명 : Liu Y, Song M, Che TM, Almeida JA, Lee JJ, Bravo D, Maddox CW, Pettigrew JE. 논문명 : Dietary plant extracts alleviate diarrhea and alter immune responses of weaned pigs experimentally infected with a pathogenic Escherichia coli. 2013
7551 T-17-0520 저자명 : Liu Y, Che TM, Song M, Lee JJ, Almeida JA, Bravo D, Van Alstine WG, Pettigrew JE. 논문명 : Dietary plant extracts improve immune responses and growth efficiency of pigs experimentally infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. 2013
7550 T-17-0519 저자명 : Yeon SJ, Kim SK, Kim JM, Lee SK, Lee CH. 논문명 : Effects of fermented pepper powder on body fat accumulation in mice fed a high-fat diet. 2013
7549 T-17-0518 저자명 : Sharma SK, Vij AS, Sharma M. 논문명 : Mechanisms and clinical uses of capsaicin. 2013
7548 T-17-0517 저자명 : Jolayemi AT, Ojewole JA. 논문명 : Comparative anti-inflammatory properties of Capsaicin and ethyl-aAcetate extract of Capsicum frutescens linn [Solanaceae] in rats. 2013
7547 T-17-0516 저자명 : Forney GB, Morr챕 DJ, Morr챕 DM. 논문명 : Oxidative stress reduced by a green tea concentrate and Capsicum combination: synergistic effects. 2013
7546 T-17-0514 저자명 : Schwarz NA, Spillane M, La Bounty P, Grandjean PW, Leutholtz B, Willoughby DS. 논문명 : Capsaicin and evodiamine ingestion does not augment energy expenditure and fat oxidation at rest or after moderately-intense exercise. 2013
7545 T-17-0460 저자명 : Lee YJ, Kim DB, Lee JS, Cho JH, Kim BK, Choi HS, Lee BY, Lee OH. 논문명 : Antioxidant activity and anti-adipogenic effects of wild herbs mainly cultivated in Korea. 2013