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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7544 T-17-0347 저자명 : Kensler TW, Egner PA, Agyeman AS, Visvanathan K, Groopman JD, Chen JG, Chen TY, Fahey JW, Talalay P. 논문명 : Keap1-nrf2 signaling: a target for cancer prevention by sulforaphane. 2013
7543 T-17-0344 저자명 : Yanaka A, Sato J, Ohmori S. 논문명 : Sulforaphane protects small intestinal mucosa from aspirin/NSAID-induced injury by enhancing host defense systems against oxidative stress and by inhibiting mucosal invasion of anaerobic enterobacteria. 2013
7542 T-17-0342 저자명 : Choi Y, Um SJ, Park T. 논문명 : Indole-3-carbinol directly targets SIRT1 to inhibit adipocyte differentiation. 2013
7541 T-17-0340 저자명 : Meyer M, Kesic MJ, Clarke J, Ho E, Simmen RC, Diaz-Sanchez D, Noah TL, Jaspers I. 논문명 : Sulforaphane induces SLPI secretion in the nasal mucosa. 2013
7540 T-17-0339 저자명 : Jayakumar T, Chen WF, Lu WJ, Chou DS, Hsiao G, Hsu CY, Sheu JR, Hsieh CY. 논문명 : A novel antithrombotic effect of sulforaphane via activation of platelet adenylate cyclase: ex vivo and in vivo studies. 2013
7539 T-17-0338 저자명 : Tsai CF, Ou BR, Liang YC, Yeh JY. 논문명 : Growth inhibition and antioxidative status induced by selenium-enriched broccoli extract and selenocompounds in DNA mismatch repair-deficient human colon cancer cells. 2013
7538 T-17-0337 저자명 : Kim EK, Kim YS, Milner JA, Wang TT. 논문명 : Indole-3-carbinol and 3',3'-diindolylmethane modulate androgen's effect on C-C chemokine ligand 2 and monocyte attraction to prostate cancer cells. 2013
7537 T-17-0336 저자명 : Bahadoran Z, Mirmiran P, Azizi F. 논문명 : Potential efficacy of broccoli sprouts as a unique supplement for management of type 2 diabetes and its complications. 2013
7536 T-17-0335 저자명 : Gerhauser C. 논문명 : Epigenetic impact of dietary isothiocyanates in cancer chemoprevention. 2013
7535 T-17-0334 저자명 : Darvishi L, Ghiasvand R, Hariri M, Askari G, Rezai P, Aghaie M, Iraj B, Khosravi-Boroujeni H, Mashhadi NS. 논문명 : Quercetin supplementation does not attenuate exercise performance and body composition in young female swimmers. 2013