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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7604 T-17-1260 저자명 : Amirehsani KA, Wallace DC. 논문명 : Tes, Licuados, and Capsulas: herbal self-care remedies of Latino/Hispanic immigrants for type 2 diabetes. 2013
7603 T-17-1259 저자명 : Deldicque L, Van Proeyen K, Ramaekers M, Pischel I, Sievers H, Hespel P. 논문명 : Additive insulinogenic action of Opuntia ficus-indica cladode and fruit skin extract and leucine after exercise in healthy males. 2013
7602 T-17-1258 저자명 : Nu챰ez-L처pez MA, Paredes-L처pez O, Reynoso-Camacho R. 논문명 : Functional and hypoglycemic properties of nopal cladodes (O. ficus-indica) at different maturity stages using in vitro and in vivo tests. 2013
7601 T-17-1255 저자명 : [No authors listed] 논문명 : Can prickly pear cactus help with my diabetes? 2013
7600 T-17-1095 저자명 : Wang Y, Yao R, Gao S, Wen W, Du Y, Szabo E, Hu M, Lubet RA, You M. 논문명 : Chemopreventive effect of a mixture of Chinese Herbs (antitumor B) on chemically induced oral carcinogenesis. 2013
7599 T-17-1077 저자명 : Lu S, Au WT, Jiang F, Xie X, Yam P. 논문명 : Cooperativeness and competitiveness as two distinct constructs: validating the Cooperative and Competitive Personality Scale in a social dilemma context. 2013
7598 T-17-1075 저자명 : Gao M, Chen L, Yu H, Sun Q, Kou J, Yu B. 논문명 : Diosgenin down-regulates NF-觀B p65/p50 and p38MAPK pathways and attenuates acute lung injury induced by lipopolysaccharide in mice. 2013
7597 T-17-1074 저자명 : Cho J, Choi H, Lee J, Kim MS, Sohn HY, Lee DG. 논문명 : The antifungal activity and membrane-disruptive action of dioscin extracted from Dioscorea nipponica. 2013
7596 T-17-1072 저자명 : Zhang S, He Y, Tong Q, Chen Q, Wu X, Huang W. 논문명 : Deltonin induces apoptosis in MDA?멝B??31 human breast cancer cells via reactive oxygen species?몀ediated mitochondrial dysfunction and ERK/AKT signaling pathways. 2013
7595 T-17-1071 저자명 : Chan YS, Ng TB. 논문명 : A lectin with highly potent inhibitory activity toward breast cancer cells from edible tubers of Dioscorea opposita cv. nagaimo. 2013