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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7594 T-17-1070 저자명 : Pan CH, Tsai CH, Liu FC, Fan MJ, Sheu MJ, Hsieh WT, Wu CH. 논문명 : Influence of different particle processing on hypocholesterolemic and antiatherogenic activities of yam (Dioscorea pseudojaponica) in cholesterol-fed rabbit model. 2013
7593 T-17-1069 저자명 : Han CH, Liu JC, Fang SU, Hou WC. 논문명 : Antioxidant activities of the synthesized thiol-contained peptides derived from computer-aided pepsin hydrolysis of yam tuber storage protein, dioscorin. 2013
7592 T-17-1068 저자명 : Hsu JY, Chu JJ, Chou MC, Chen YW. 논문명 : Dioscorin pre-treatment protects A549 human airway epithelial cells from hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress. 2013
7591 T-17-1066 저자명 : Jin HY, Kim SH, Yu HM, Baek HS, Park TS. 논문명 : Therapeutic Potential of Dioscorea Extract (DA-9801) in Comparison with Alpha Lipoic Acid on the Peripheral Nerves in Experimental Diabetes. 2013
7590 T-17-1065 저자명 : Singh RG, Rajak M, Ghosh B; Usha., Agrawal A, Dubey GP. 논문명 : Comparative evaluation of fosinopril and herbal drug Dioscorea bulbifera in patients of diabetic nephropathy. 2013
7589 T-17-1064 저자명 : Yeh YH, Hsieh YL, Lee YT. 논문명 : Effects of yam peel extract against carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. 2013
7588 T-17-1063 저자명 : Lima CM, Lima AK, Melo MG, Serafini MR, Oliveira DL, de Almeida EB, Barreto RS, Nogueira PC, Moraes VR, Oliveira ER, de Albuquerque RL Jr, Quintans-J첬nior LJ, Ara첬jo AA. 논문명 : Bioassay-guided evaluation of Dioscorea villosa - an acute and subchronic toxicity, antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory approach. 2013
7587 T-17-1062 저자명 : Park JM, Kim YJ, Kim JS, Han YM, Kangwan N, Hahm KB, Kim TS, Kwon O, Kim EH. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory and carbonic anhydrase restoring actions of yam powder (Dioscorea spp) contribute to the prevention of cysteamine-induced duodenal ulcer in a rat model. 2013
7586 T-17-1061 저자명 : Zhang R, Huang B, Du D, Guo X, Xin G, Xing Z, Liang Y, Chen Y, Chen Q, He Y, Huang W. 논문명 : Anti-thrombosis effect of diosgenyl saponins in vitro and in vivo. 2013
7585 T-17-1060 저자명 : Liu JP, Feng L, Zhang MH, Ma DY, Wang SY, Gu J, Fu Q, Qu R, Ma SP. 논문명 : Neuroprotective effect of Liuwei Dihuang decoction on cognition deficits of diabetic encephalopathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat. 2013