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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7564 T-17-0534 저자명 : Saito M, Yoneshiro T. 논문명 : Capsinoids and related food ingredients activating brown fat thermogenesis and reducing body fat in humans. 2013
7563 T-17-0532 저자명 : Lin CH, Lu WC, Wang CW, Chan YC, Chen MK. 논문명 : Capsaicin induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human KB cancer cells. 2013
7562 T-17-0531 저자명 : Posadzki P, Watson LK, Ernst E. 논문명 : Adverse effects of herbal medicines: an overview of systematic reviews. 2013
7561 T-17-0530 저자명 : Wahyuni Y, Ballester AR, Sudarmonowati E, Bino RJ, Bovy AG. 논문명 : Secondary metabolites of Capsicum species and their importance in the human diet. 2013
7560 T-17-0529 저자명 : Su X, D'Souza DH. 논문명 : Grape seed extract for foodborne virus reduction on produce. 2013
7559 T-17-0528 저자명 : Lee GR, Shin MK, Yoon DJ, Kim AR, Yu R, Park NH, Han IS. 논문명 : Topical application of capsaicin reduces visceral adipose fat by affecting adipokine levels in high-fat diet-induced obese mice. 2013
7558 T-17-0527 저자명 : Lee SH, Lillehoj HS, Jang SI, Lillehoj EP, Min W, Bravo DM. 논문명 : Dietary supplementation of young broiler chickens with Capsicum and turmeric oleoresins increases resistance to necrotic enteritis. 2013
7557 T-17-0526 저자명 : Baek J, Lee J, Kim K, Kim T, Kim D, Kim C, Tsutomu K, Ochir S, Lee K, Park CH, Lee YJ, Choe M. 논문명 : Inhibitory effects of Capsicum annuum L. water extracts on lipoprotein lipase activity in 3T3-L1 cells. 2013
7556 T-17-0525 저자명 : Cameron M, Chrubasik S. 논문명 : Topical herbal therapies for treating osteoarthritis. 2013
7555 T-17-0524 저자명 : Bleuel I, Zinkernagel M, Tschopp M, Tappeiner C. 논문명 : Association of bilateral acute anterior uveitis with a capsaicin patch. 2013