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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7704 T-17-2062 저자명 : Liang YT, Tian XY, Chen JN, Peng C, Ma KY, Zuo Y, Jiao R, Lu Y, Huang Y, Chen ZY. 논문명 : Capsaicinoids lower plasma cholesterol and improve endothelial function in hamsters. 2013
7703 T-17-2054 저자명 : Clegg ME, Golsorkhi M, Henry CJ. 논문명 : Combined medium-chain triglyceride and chilli feeding increases diet-induced thermogenesis in normal-weight humans. 2013
7702 T-17-2053 저자명 : Silva LR, Azevedo J, Pereira MJ, Valent찾o P, Andrade PB. 논문명 : Chemical assessment and antioxidant capacity of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) seeds. 2013
7701 T-17-2052 저자명 : Loizzo MR, Pugliese A, Bonesi M, De Luca D, O'Brien N, Menichini F, Tundis R. 논문명 : Influence of drying and cooking process on the phytochemical content, antioxidant and hypoglycaemic properties of two bell Capsicum annum L. cultivars. 2013
7700 T-17-2051 저자명 : Mart챠nez-P찼ramo S, Arfuso F, Engrola S, Dias J, Faggio C, Arag찾o C. 논문명 : Do immunostimulants affect sperm quality in Senegalese sole? 2013
7699 T-17-2050 저자명 : Ji J, Huang W, Yin C, Gong Z. 논문명 : Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase and F1Fo-ATPase dysfunction in peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) with cytoplasmic male sterility and its association with orf507 and 顆atp6-2 genes. 2013
7698 T-17-2048 저자명 : Lin CH, Lu WC, Wang CW, Chan YC, Chen MK. 논문명 : Capsaicin induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human KB cancer cells. 2013
7697 T-17-2047 저자명 : Posadzki P, Watson LK, Ernst E. 논문명 : Adverse effects of herbal medicines: an overview of systematic reviews. 2013
7696 T-17-2046 저자명 : Wahyuni Y, Ballester AR, Sudarmonowati E, Bino RJ, Bovy AG. 논문명 : Secondary metabolites of Capsicum species and their importance in the human diet. 2013
7695 T-17-2045 저자명 : van der Walt A, Singh T, Baatjies R, Lopata AL, Jeebhay MF. 논문명 : Work-related allergic respiratory disease and asthma in spice mill workers is associated with inhalant chili pepper and garlic exposures. 2013