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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
7614 T-17-1444 저자명 : Breese BC, McNarry MA, Marwood S, Blackwell JR, Bailey SJ, Jones AM. 논문명 : Beetroot juice supplementation speeds O2 uptake kinetics and improves exercise tolerance during severe-intensity exercise initiated from an elevated metabolic rate. 2013
7613 T-17-1443 저자명 : Joris PJ, Mensink RP. 논문명 : Beetroot juice improves in overweight and slightly obese men postprandial endothelial function after consumption of a mixed meal. 2013
7612 T-17-1441 저자명 : Bond V Jr, Curry BH, Adams RG, Asadi MS, Millis RM, Haddad GE. 논문명 : Effects of dietary nitrates on systemic and cerebrovascular hemodynamics. 2013
7611 T-17-1438 저자명 : Jiang JB, Steven MD, He RY, Cai QK. 논문명 : [Comparison and analysis of hyperspectral remote sensing identifiable models for different vegetation under waterlogging stress]. 2013
7610 T-17-1282 저자명 : Alimi H, Hfaeidh N, Bouoni Z, Sakly M, Rhouma KB. 논문명 : Ameliorative effect of Opuntia ficus indica juice on ethanol-induced oxidative stress in rat erythrocytes. 2013
7609 T-17-1267 저자명 : Tesoriere L, Attanzio A, Allegra M, Gentile C, Livrea MA. 논문명 : Phytochemical indicaxanthin suppresses 7-ketocholesterol-induced THP-1 cell apoptosis by preventing cytosolic Ca(2+) increase and oxidative stress. 2013
7608 T-17-1265 저자명 : Kim J, Jho KH, Choi YH, Nam SY. 논문명 : Chemopreventive effect of cactus (Opuntia humifusa) extracts: radical scavenging activity, pro-apoptosis, and anti-inflammatory effect in human colon (SW480) and breast cancer (MCF7) cells. 2013
7607 T-17-1264 저자명 : Grube B, Chong PW, Lau KZ, Orzechowski HD. 논문명 : A natural fiber complex reduces body weight in the overweight and obese: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. 2013
7606 T-17-1263 저자명 : Kang J, Lee J, Kwon D, Song Y. 논문명 : Effect of Opuntia humifusa supplementation and acute exercise on insulin sensitivity and associations with PPAR-款 and PGC-1慣 protein expression in skeletal muscle of rats. 2013
7605 T-17-1262 저자명 : Lee JA, Jung BG, Kim TH, Lee SG, Park YS, Lee BJ. 논문명 : Dietary feeding of Opuntia humifusa inhibits UVB radiation-induced carcinogenesis by reducing inflammation and proliferation in hairless mouse model. 2013