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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10104 T-17-4443 저자명 : C. C. Yu, M. D. Yang, H. Y. Lin, A. C. Huang, J. P. Lin, C. L. Kuo, K. C. Liu, H. C. Liu, S. T. Yang and J. G. Chung 논문명 : Bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC) Alters Gene Expression-associated Cell Cycle, Cell Migration and Invasion and Tumor Progression in Human Lung Cancer NCI-H460 Cells 2015
10103 T-17-4442 저자명 : A. Yousefi, R. Yousefi, F. Panahi, S. Sarikhani, A. R. Zolghadr, A. Bahaoddini and A. Khalafi-Nezhad 논문명 : Novel curcumin-based pyrano[2,3-d]pyrimidine anti-oxidant inhibitors for alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase: Implications for their pleiotropic effects against diabetes complications 2015
10102 T-17-4436 저자명 : W. Yang, J. Fu, M. Yu, D. Wang, Y. Rong, P. Yao, A. K. Nussler, H. Yan and L. Liu 논문명 : Effects of three kinds of curcuminoids on anti-oxidative system and membrane deformation of human peripheral blood erythrocytes in high glucose levels 2015
10101 T-17-4431 저자명 : R. Yadav, B. Jee and S. K. Awasthi 논문명 : Curcumin Suppresses the Production of Pro-inflammatory Cytokine Interleukin-18 in Lipopolysaccharide Stimulated Murine Macrophage-Like Cells 2015
10100 T-17-4421 저자명 : Y. Xi, H. Gao, M. U. Callaghan, A. M. Fribley, D. M. Garshott, Z. X. Xu, Q. Zeng and Y. L. Li 논문명 : Induction of BCL2-Interacting Killer, BIK, is Mediated for Anti-Cancer Activity of Curcumin in Human Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells 2015
10099 T-17-4420 저자명 : Y. Wu, F. Wang, E. A. Reece and P. Yang 논문명 : Curcumin ameliorates high glucose-induced neural tube defects by suppressing cellular stress and apoptosis 2015
10098 T-17-4416 저자명 : H. Wu, Q. Liu, T. Cai, Y. D. Chen and Z. F. Wang 논문명 : Induction of microRNA-146a is involved in curcumin-mediated enhancement of temozolomide cytotoxicity against human glioblastoma 2015
10097 T-17-4415 저자명 : A. Wu, E. E. Noble, E. Tyagi, Z. Ying, Y. Zhuang and F. Gomez-Pinilla 논문명 : Curcumin boosts DHA in the brain: Implications for the prevention of anxiety disorders 2015
10096 T-17-4392 저자명 : B. N. Waghela, A. Sharma, S. Dhumale, S. M. Pandey and C. Pathak 논문명 : Curcumin conjugated with PLGA potentiates sustainability, anti-proliferative activity and apoptosis in human colon carcinoma cells 2015
10095 T-17-4385 저자명 : N. G. Vallianou, A. Evangelopoulos, N. Schizas and C. Kazazis 논문명 : Potential anticancer properties and mechanisms of action of curcumin 2015