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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10094 T-17-4378 저자명 : A. K. Tyagi, S. Prasad, W. Yuan, S. Li and B. B. Aggarwal 논문명 : Identification of a novel compound (beta-sesquiphellandrene) from turmeric (Curcuma longa) with anticancer potential: comparison with curcumin 2015
10093 T-17-4356 저자명 : Y. Tang 논문명 : Curcumin targets multiple pathways to halt hepatic stellate cell activation: updated mechanisms in vitro and in vivo 2015
10092 T-17-4337 저자명 : D. L. Stankowska, V. R. Krishnamoorthy, D. Z. Ellis and R. R. Krishnamoorthy 논문명 : Neuroprotective effects of curcumin on endothelin-1 mediated cell death in hippocampal neurons 2015
10091 T-17-4335 저자명 : A. Srivastava, R. Agarwal, T. P. Chaturvedi, A. Chandra and O. P. Singh 논문명 : Clinical evaluation of the role of tulsi and turmeric in the management of oral submucous fibrosis: A pilot, prospective observational study 2015
10090 T-17-4331 저자명 : A. Sreedhar, I. Sarkar, P. Rajan, J. Pai, S. Malagi, V. Kamath and R. Barmappa 논문명 : Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of curcumin gel with and without photo activation as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: A split mouth clinical and microbiological study 2015
10089 T-17-4318 저자명 : V. Singh, M. Rana, M. Jain, N. Singh, A. Naqvi, R. Malasoni, A. K. Dwivedi, M. Dikshit and M. K. Barthwal 논문명 : Curcuma oil attenuates accelerated atherosclerosis and macrophage foam-cell formation by modulating genes involved in plaque stability, lipid homeostasis and inflammation 2015
10088 T-17-4316 저자명 : V. Singh, M. Jain, A. Misra, V. Khanna, P. Prakash, R. Malasoni, A. K. Dwivedi, M. Dikshit and M. K. Barthwal 논문명 : Curcuma oil ameliorates insulin resistance & associated thrombotic complications in hamster & rat 2015
10087 T-17-4306 저자명 : X. Shi, Z. Zheng, J. Li, Z. Xiao, W. Qi, A. Zhang, Q. Wu and Y. Fang 논문명 : Curcumin inhibits Abeta-induced microglial inflammatory responses in vitro: Involvement of ERK1/2 and p38 signaling pathways 2015
10086 T-17-4289 저자명 : M. Schaffer, P. M. Schaffer and G. Bar-Sela 논문명 : An update on Curcuma as a functional food in the control of cancer and inflammation 2015
10085 T-17-4286 저자명 : G. Sarafian, M. Afshar, P. Mansouri, J. Asgarpanah, K. Raoufinejad and M. Rajabi 논문명 : Topical Turmeric Microemulgel in the Management of Plaque Psoriasis; A Clinical Evaluation 2015