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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10114 T-17-4552 저자명 : Choi YS, Lee KH, Jeong YH, Koba K, Sugano M. 논문명 : Effects of Aster scaber Seed Oil Containing trans-?3 Fatty Acids on Lipid Profiles of Hamsters and Rats. 2015
10113 T-17-4482 저자명 : Zheng M, Zhou H, Wan H, Chen YL, He Y. 논문명 : Effects of herbal drugs in Mahuang decoction and their main components on intestinal transport characteristics of Ephedra alkaloids evaluated by a Caco-2 cell monolayer model. 2015
10112 T-17-4481 저자명 : Cui J, Gu X, Zhang Q, Ou Y, Wang J. 논문명 : Production and anti-diabetic activity of soluble dietary fiber from apricot pulp by Trichoderma viride fermentation. 2015
10111 T-17-4480 저자명 : Li YL, Li QX, Liu RJ, Shen XQ. 논문명 : Chinese medicine amygdalin and 棺-glucosidase combined with antibody enzymatic prodrug system as a feasible antitumor therapy. 2015
10110 T-17-4479 저자명 : Morimoto-Yamashita Y, Kawakami Y, Tatsuyama S, Miyashita K, Emoto M, Kikuchi K, Kawahara K, Tokuda M. 논문명 : A natural therapeutic approach for the treatment of periodontitis by MK615. 2015
10109 T-17-4463 저자명 : Z. Zheng, Y. Sun, Z. Liu, M. Zhang, C. Li and H. Cai 논문명 : The effect of curcumin and its nanoformulation on adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats 2015
10108 T-17-4456 저자명 : L. Zhang, Y. Fang, Y. Xu, Y. Lian, N. Xie, T. Wu, H. Zhang, L. Sun, R. Zhang and Z. Wang 논문명 : Curcumin Improves Amyloid beta-Peptide (1-42) Induced Spatial Memory Deficits through BDNF-ERK Signaling Pathway 2015
10107 T-17-4447 저자명 : Y. Yu, S. Wu, J. Li, R. Wang, X. Xie, X. Yu, J. Pan, Y. Xu and L. Zheng 논문명 : The effect of curcumin on the brain-gut axis in rat model of irritable bowel syndrome: involvement of 5-HT-dependent signaling 2015
10106 T-17-4445 저자명 : L. Yu, Y. Fan, G. Ye, J. Li, X. Feng, K. Lin, M. Dong and Z. Wang 논문명 : Curcumin inhibits apoptosis and brain edema induced by hypoxia-hypercapnia brain damage in rat models 2015
10105 T-17-4444 저자명 : C. C. Yu, S. T. Yang, W. W. Huang, S. F. Peng, A. C. Huang, N. Y. Tang, H. C. Liu, M. D. Yang, K. C. Lai and J. G. Chung 논문명 : Bisdemethoxycurcumin induces DNA damage and inhibits DNA repair associated protein expressions in NCI-H460 human lung cancer cells 2015