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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4614 T-14-0145 저자명 : Hassan HA, Hafez HS, Zeghebar FE. 논문명 : Garlic oil as a modulating agent for oxidative stress and neurotoxicity induced by sodium nitrite in male albino rats. 2010
4613 T-14-0144 저자명 : Radenkovic M, Brankovic S, Kitic D, Veljkovic S, Ivetic V, Nesi훶 M, Miladinovic B. 논문명 : Inhibitory effect of aqueous and ethanolic garlic (Allium sativum L., Lilliaceae) extracts on the rat atria. 2010
4612 T-14-0143 저자명 : Ginter E, Simko V. 논문명 : Garlic (Allium sativum L.) and cardiovascular diseases. 2010
4611 T-14-0067 저자명 : Arscott SA, Simon PW, Tanumihardjo SA. 논문명 : Anthocyanins in purple-orange carrots (Daucus carota L.) do not influence the bioavailability of beta-carotene in young women. 2010
4610 T-14-0009 저자명 : Makni M, Sefi M, Fetoui H, Garoui el M, Gargouri NK, Boudawara T, Zeghal N. 논문명 : Flax and Pumpkin seeds mixture ameliorates diabetic nephropathy in rats. 2010
4609 T-14-0008 저자명 : Dixit Y, Kar A. 논문명 : Protective role of three vegetable peels in alloxan induced diabetes mellitus in male mice. 2010
4608 T-14-0007 저자명 : Chandrika UG, Basnayake BM, Athukorala I, Colombagama PW, Goonetilleke A. 논문명 : Carotenoid content and in vitro bioaccessibility of lutein in some leafy vegetables popular in Sri Lanka. 2010
4607 T-14-0006 저자명 : Shokrzadeh M, Azadbakht M, Ahangar N, Hashemi A, Saeedi Saravi SS. 논문명 : Cytotoxicity of hydro-alcoholic extracts of Cucurbitapepo and Solanum nigrum on HepG2 and CT26 cancer cell lines. 2010
4606 T-14-0005 저자명 : Odede TA, Ikusagba B, Odetola AA. 논문명 : Effect of Telfairia occidentalis on erythrocyte indices of rats following acute blood loss. 2010
4605 T-14-0004 저자명 : Usha R Jr, Lakshmi M, Ranjani M. 논문명 : Nutritional, sensory and physical analysis of pumpkin flour incorporated into weaning mix. 2010