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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4684 T-14-0914 저자명 : Ker YB, Peng CH, Chyau CC, Peng RY. 논문명 : Soluble polysaccharide composition and myo-inositol content help differentiate the antioxidative and hypolipidemic capacity of peeled apples. 2010
4683 T-14-0912 저자명 : Nishigaki I, Rajkapoor B, Rajendran P, Venugopal R, Ekambaram G, Sakthisekaran D, Nishigaki Y. 논문명 : Effect of fresh apple extract on glycated protein/iron chelate-induced toxicity in human umbilical vein endothelial cells in vitro. 2010
4682 T-14-0911 저자명 : Yang J, Li Y, Wang F, Wu C. 논문명 : Hepatoprotective effects of apple polyphenols on CCl4-induced acute liver damage in mice. 2010
4681 T-14-0910 저자명 : Bellion P, Digles J, Will F, Dietrich H, Baum M, Eisenbrand G, Janzowski C. 논문명 : Polyphenolic apple extracts: effects of raw material and production method on antioxidant effectiveness and reduction of DNA damage in Caco-2 cells. 2010
4680 T-14-0909 저자명 : Akazome Y, Kametani N, Kanda T, Shimasaki H, Kobayashi S. 논문명 : Evaluation of safety of excessive intake and efficacy of long-term intake of beverages containing apple polyphenols. 2010
4679 T-14-0906 저자명 : Carrasco-Pozo C, Gotteland M, Speisky H. 논문명 : Protection by apple peel polyphenols against indometacin-induced oxidative stress, mitochondrial damage and cytotoxicity in Caco-2 cells. 2010
4678 T-14-0905 저자명 : Balay KS, Hawthorne KM, Hicks PD, Griffin IJ, Chen Z, Westerman M, Abrams SA. 논문명 : Orange but not apple juice enhances ferrous fumarate absorption in small children. 2010
4677 T-14-0903 저자명 : Balstad TR, Paur I, Poulsen M, Markowski J, Kolodziejczyk K, Dragsted LO, Myhrstad MC, Blomhoff R. 논문명 : Apple, cherry, and blackcurrant increases nuclear factor kappa B activation in liver of transgenic mice. 2010
4676 T-14-0902 저자명 : Auclair S, Chironi G, Milenkovic D, Hollman PC, Renard CM, M챕gnien JL, Gariepy J, Paul JL, Simon A, Scalbert A. 논문명 : The regular consumption of a polyphenol-rich apple does not influence endothelial function: a randomised double-blind trial in hypercholesterolemic adults. 2010
4675 T-14-0901 저자명 : Barbosa AC, Pinto Mda S, Sarkar D, Ankolekar C, Greene D, Shetty K. 논문명 : Varietal influences on antihyperglycemia properties of freshly harvested apples using in vitro assay models. 2010