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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4654 T-14-0575 저자명 : Salah-Abb챔s JB, Abb챔s S, Abdel-Wahhab M, Oueslati R. 논문명 : Immunotoxicity of zearalenone in Balb/c mice in a high subchronic dosing study counteracted by Raphanus sativus extract. 2010
4653 T-14-0574 저자명 : Beevi SS, Mangamoori LN, Subathra M, Edula JR. 논문명 : Hexane extract of Raphanus sativus L. roots inhibits cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in human cancer cells by modulating genes related to apoptotic pathway. 2010
4652 T-14-0540 저자명 : Murali Achary VM, Panda BB. 논문명 : Aluminium-induced DNA damage and adaptive response to genotoxic stress in plant cells are mediated through reactive oxygen intermediates. 2010
4651 T-14-0539 저자명 : Votto AP, Domingues BS, de Souza MM, da Silva J첬nior FM, Caldas SS, Filgueira DM, Clementin RM, Primel EG, Vallochi AL, Furlong EB, Trindade GS. 논문명 : Toxicity mechanisms of onion (Allium cepa) extracts and compounds in multidrug resistant erythroleukemic cell line. 2010
4650 T-14-0538 저자명 : Cho JW, Cho SY, Lee SR, Lee KS. 논문명 : Onion extract and quercetin induce matrix metalloproteinase-1 in vitro and in vivo. 2010
4649 T-14-0537 저자명 : Vidyashankar S, Sambaiah K, Srinivasan K. 논문명 : Regression of preestablished cholesterol gallstones by dietary garlic and onion in experimental mice. 2010
4648 T-14-0536 저자명 : Rold찼n-Mar챠n E, Jensen RI, Krath BN, Kristensen M, Poulsen M, Cano MP, S찼nchez-Moreno C, Dragsted LO. 논문명 : An onion byproduct affects plasma lipids in healthy rats. 2010
4647 T-14-0535 저자명 : Qin R, Jiao Y, Zhang S, Jiang W, Liu D. 논문명 : Effects of aluminum on nucleoli in root tip cells and selected physiological and biochemical characters in Allium cepa var. agrogarum L. 2010
4646 T-14-0534 저자명 : Hanieh H, Narabara K, Piao M, Gerile C, Abe A, Kondo Y. 논문명 : Modulatory effects of two levels of dietary Alliums on immune response and certain immunological variables, following immunization, in White Leghorn chickens. 2010
4645 T-14-0429 저자명 : Ajith TA. 논문명 : Ameliorating reactive oxygen species-induced in vitro lipid peroxidation in brain, liver, mitochondria and DNA damage by Zingiber officinale Roscoe. 2010