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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4694 T-14-1031 저자명 : Okazaki Y, Iqbal M, Kawakami N, Yamamoto Y, Toyokuni S, Okada S. 논문명 : A beverage containing fermented black soybean ameliorates ferric nitrilotriacetate-induced renal oxidative damage in rats. 2010
4693 T-14-1030 저자명 : Jang H, Ha US, Kim SJ, Yoon BI, Han DS, Yuk SM, Kim SW. 논문명 : Anthocyanin extracted from black soybean reduces prostate weight and promotes apoptosis in the prostatic hyperplasia-induced rat model. 2010
4692 T-14-0986 저자명 : Schirrmacher G, Skurk T, Hauner H, Grassmann J. 논문명 : Effect of Spinacia oleraceae L. and Perilla frutescens L. on antioxidants and lipid peroxidation in an intervention study in healthy individuals. 2010
4691 T-14-0985 저자명 : Heo JC, Park CH, Lee HJ, Kim SO, Kim TH, Lee SH. 논문명 : Amelioration of asthmatic inflammation by an aqueous extract of Spinacia oleracea Linn. 2010
4690 T-14-0920 저자명 : Nakazato K, Ochi E, Waga T. 논문명 : Dietary apple polyphenols have preventive effects against lengthening contraction-induced muscle injuries. 2010
4689 T-14-0919 저자명 : Jedrychowski W, Maugeri U, Popiela T, Kulig J, Sochacka-Tatara E, Pac A, Sowa A, Musial A. 논문명 : Case-control study on beneficial effect of regular consumption of apples on colorectal cancer risk in a population with relatively low intake of fruits and vegetables. 2010
4688 T-14-0918 저자명 : Alvarez-Parrilla E, De La Rosa LA, Legarreta P, Saenz L, Rodrigo-Garc챠a J, Gonz찼lez-Aguilar GA. 논문명 : Daily consumption of apple, pear and orange juice differently affects plasma lipids and antioxidant capacity of smoking and non-smoking adults. 2010
4687 T-14-0917 저자명 : Hansen L, Dragsted LO, Olsen A, Christensen J, Tj첩nneland A, Schmidt EB, Overvad K. 논문명 : Fruit and vegetable intake and risk of acute coronary syndrome. 2010
4686 T-14-0916 저자명 : Lhoste EF, Bruneau A, Bensaada M, Cherbuy C, Philippe C, Bruel S, Sutren M, Rabot S, Guyot S, Du챕e PH, Latino-Martel P. 논문명 : Apple proanthocyanidins do not reduce the induction of preneoplastic lesions in the colon of rats associated with human microbiota. 2010
4685 T-14-0915 저자명 : Remington R, Chan A, Lepore A, Kotlya E, Shea TB. 논문명 : Apple juice improved behavioral but not cognitive symptoms in moderate-to-late stage Alzheimer's disease in an open-label pilot study. 2010