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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4624 T-14-0400 저자명 : Ueda H, Ippoushi K, Takeuchi A. 논문명 : Repeated oral administration of a squeezed ginger (Zingiber officinale) extract augmented the serum corticosterone level and had anti-inflammatory properties. 2010
4623 T-14-0399 저자명 : Tuntiwechapikul W, Taka T, Songsomboon C, Kaewtunjai N, Imsumran A, Makonkawkeyoon L, Pompimon W, Lee TR. 논문명 : Ginger extract inhibits human telomerase reverse transcriptase and c-Myc expression in A549 lung cancer cells. 2010
4622 T-14-0398 저자명 : Ko JK, Leung CC. 논문명 : Ginger extract and polaprezinc exert gastroprotective actions by anti-oxidant and growth factor modulating effects in rats. 2010
4621 T-14-0395 저자명 : Ghasemzadeh A, Jaafar HZ, Rahmat A, Wahab PE, Halim MR. 논문명 : Effect of different light intensities on total phenolics and flavonoids synthesis and anti-oxidant activities in young ginger varieties (Zingiber officinale Roscoe). 2010
4620 T-14-0382 저자명 : Atta AH, Elkoly TA, Mouneir SM, Kamel G, Alwabel NA, Zaher S. 논문명 : Hepatoprotective Effect of Methanol Extracts of Zingiber officinale and Cichorium intybus. 2010
4619 T-14-0183 저자명 : Peng MM, Fang Y, Hu W, Huang Q. 논문명 : The pharmacological activities of Compound Salvia Plebeia Granules on treating urinary tract infection. 2010
4618 T-14-0173 저자명 : Alvarez-Parrilla E, De La Rosa LA, Legarreta P, Saenz L, Rodrigo-Garc챠a J, Gonz찼lez-Aguilar GA. 논문명 : Daily consumption of apple, pear and orange juice differently affects plasma lipids and antioxidant capacity of smoking and non-smoking adults. 2010
4617 T-14-0148 저자명 : Abdalla FH, Bell챕 LP, De Bona KS, Bitencourt PE, Pigatto AS, Moretto MB. 논문명 : Allium sativum L. extract prevents methyl mercury-induced cytotoxicity in peripheral blood leukocytes (LS). 2010
4616 T-14-0147 저자명 : Bokaeian M, Nakhaee A, Moodi B, Farhangi A, Akbarzadeh A. 논문명 : Effects of garlic extract treatment in normal and streptozotocin diabetic rats infected with Candida albicans. 2010
4615 T-14-0146 저자명 : Nencini C, Franchi GG, Micheli L. 논문명 : Cardiovascular receptor binding affinity of aqueous extracts from Allium species. 2010