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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5704 T-17-1297 저자명 : Andrade-Cetto A, Wiedenfeld H. 논문명 : Anti-hyperglycemic effect of Opuntia streptacantha Lem. 2011
5703 T-17-1294 저자명 : Meiouet F, El Kabbaj S, Daudon M. 논문명 : [In vitro study of the litholytic effects of herbal extracts on cystine urinary calculi]. 2011
5702 T-17-1293 저자명 : Xie W, Du L. 논문명 : Diabetes is an inflammatory disease: evidence from traditional Chinese medicines. 2011
5701 T-17-1292 저자명 : Ayyanar M, Ignacimuthu S. 논문명 : Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants commonly used by Kani tribals in Tirunelveli hills of Western Ghats, India. 2011
5700 T-17-1291 저자명 : Zhao LY, Lan QJ, Huang ZC, Ouyang LJ, Zeng FH. 논문명 : Antidiabetic effect of a newly identified component of Opuntia dillenii polysaccharides. 2011
5699 T-17-1290 저자명 : 횜zcan MM, Al Juhaimi FY. 논문명 : Nutritive value and chemical composition of prickly pear seeds (Opuntia ficus indica L.) growing in Turkey. 2011
5698 T-17-1289 저자명 : Saoudi M, Jebahi S, Jamoussi K, Ben Salah G, Kallel C, El Feki A. 논문명 : Haematological and biochemical toxicity induced by methanol in rats: ameliorative effects of Opuntia vulgaris fruit extract. 2011
5697 T-17-1288 저자명 : Hahm SW, Park J, Son YS. 논문명 : Opuntia humifusa stems lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. 2011
5696 T-17-1287 저자명 : Chen Y, Zhao B, Huang X, Zhan J, Zhao Y, Zhou M, Guo L. 논문명 : Purification and neuroprotective effects of polysaccharides from Opuntia Milpa Alta in cultured cortical neurons. 2011
5695 T-17-1285 저자명 : Alimi H, Hfaiedh N, Bouoni Z, Sakly M, Ben Rhouma K. 논문명 : Evaluation of antioxidant and antiulcerogenic activities of Opuntia ficus indica f. inermis flowers extract in rats. 2011